V07 - Chapter 73 Two Sides of the same Coin

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--- Fort Legrath, Secret tunnel ---

August 26th, 2025

Deep inside the Fortress of Legrath, the bulk of Vanguard-7 is moving through the secret tunnel that Tuka and Hardus escaped from. They are all moving through the hundreds of paths that lead into the heart of the hill, which the fortress was built around over the centuries.

Private First-Class Alicia Moore looks around the corner, making sure everyone is clear before they continue. Down the hall she sees this guard walking away. As she watches the guard go through this door, she can feel the sweat drops move down her skin. Surprise on how hot it is down here. It is probably from the touches that are lightening up down here.

"Boss, clear," She said. She reaches out her hand and waves forward. She sees both Private Second-Class Scott and Randy rush past her and down the hall. They are going to the other end to secure it. The Major does not want us to get too bunched up in these tight hallways.

She turns around and sees the team two new guests, Tuka and Hardus. She has mix feelings of both. It is more that she is getting sick on always doing rescue missions. It seems like that has been the only thing they have been doing since coming to this world. But she admits, a lot of good fights came from them.

Alicia glances at the boss, Major Jackson Sharpe. When he first was assigned to the lead our unit back on Earth, she never hated someone more in her life. Since coming here and mission after mission that view changed a lot. She thought he was crazy in Italica for staying, just trying to get a fancy metal and a promotion.

It was in the Elies Forest when saving our fellow Ranger from the Empire when talking with Rory. Her views began to change after a nice evening conversation about Emroy. Rory talked about how the Major is motivated by love but just could not show it. While it gave her much to think about, she did not fully by it until seeing him run through from that Empire fort, running to us during an Imperialist cavalry charge. Not many officers or anyone would have done that. Since then, she decided to give him a little slack and see where everything goes.

She believes the fight against Taylin was the true moment when Vanguard-7 fully become united. The Major was not going to let him kill another one of his teams and we decided we were not going to let Taylin kill him. Then all going against orders to find that little girl, we all came together, and it felt great. This was the feeling she wanted all along, it was the reason why she enlisted. To be with the best Mankind has to offer.

Looking at him now, he sees him glancing towards them. He clearly does not trust them, but it seems he is more focus on Hardus. It has been clear that he has been overcompensating for something and when Rory told us the truth about his last team, it all made sense. Seeing his distrust, she thinks he might be a little jealous of Hardus. Sharpe probably has gotten used to being the shiny Knight in armor, being the one who is saving the day.

However, he is not the one who puts those kinds of feelings in the way of the mission. He is too much of a soldier to do that. If her experience in this team tells her anything, he is definitely planning something.

Looking over to Hardus, she finds him very handsome. The scare on his cheek and he just projects confidence. He just seems like he knows what he is doing and takes pride in who he is and what he is doing.

Still, unlike all the other times they have helped and rescued people, it felt natural. This, nothing seems right. And if the boss does not trust them, she will not either. He has earned that trust.

As Tuka and Hardus move pass her and head down the hall. She notices when they pass, Tuka gave the Major a hateful frown. After they head down the hall, she looks to her boss.

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