V03 - Chapter 38 Bond & Responsibility

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--- Alnus Community, Girls place ---

June 6th, 2025

Selina finishes getting dress. She only just found out that Sharpe wants to have a private meeting with her. Something about a surprise.

Since hearing that she has been all excited. Finally, she can spend more time alone with the man who saved her and look up to.

She finally settled on a blue with thin white line Aline dress. Lieutenant Sarah got her this dress when she first arrived here. She said it would look cute on me.

That is when she looks at the clock and realizes that she is fifteen minutes late. He asked her to meet him at the Ranger Command Post.

"Oh, horses pie... I hate that thing," She said, referring to the clock. These people base their whole life around that thing. For people who hate slavery, they allowed that to control their lives.

She quickly finishes getting dress and grabs a blue baseball cap with the Ranger symbol on it. It was given to her by Randy. It is a little big for her head, but she likes it. She finishes putting on her combat boots, again given to her by the military. She could wear casual shoes, but she found it easier to walk around in the dirt in these. Besides, they look nicer.

After finishing, she grabs her purse that Sarah gave her and bursts out the door and begins rushing through the street. Luckily, she lives with Rory and Lelei so she is close to the checkpoint that separates Alnus Community and the military base.

She quickly dodges a few wagons as she runs across the street. Passes a few people as they are walking on the wooden sidewalk. The NATO people demanded a sidewalk, so people will not walk in the street. Strange but whatever makes them happy.

Once she gets to the checkpoint, she sees six Alnus Police there standing there. Based on the flag patches on their shoulders, three of them are American, one French. The other two are natives, a Human and the other is a female bunny. She stops there, catching her breath.

"Hello... oh hi kid. I take it you are running late for something?" The American soldiers said.

"Yes, I am late. My name is Selina," she said as she begins looking through her purse. "Where is it..."

"Where are you going?" The bunny askes.

"I'm... I am heading to the Ranger Command Post. Sharpe wants me to meet him there," she replied.

"The Ranger Post?" one of the Americans said. "We cannot let you go their young lady."

"Hold on," the other American said. "You with Rory and Major Sharpe?"

She looks at him. "Yes! I am with them. Sharpe told me to meet him there."

Normally the guards would not let a kid through alone, even with ID. Especially if they are heading to the Special Forces section of the base. However, at this point, everyone has heard of the Ranger who 'adopted' the ex-slave girl(1). Everyone knows his name and the reputation that has been building behind it.

"Lost your bag?" The bunny said as she walks over to her.

"Let me make a call," One of the American soldiers walks over to the phone booth and seems to be making a call.

"No... I... I got it right here..." she said as she still looking. She finally finds it and pulls it out.

One of the American soldiers, a female looks at it. "She is clear." She hands it back to her and they let her into the military base. "I want to say it is really call that you were free. We all heard the story."

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