V12 - Chapter 145 Alnus Darkest Night

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--- Fort Alnus ---

Hargus is looking at a recent letter from Sadera. It has his new orders from the Haryo Tribe leader Bouro.

"These are our orders," He said, the Haryo leader in Alnus.

"That is suicide," Jaruki the Dark Elf replies. "If we do this, we will be forced to leave Alnus. We already built such a network here, using the kids to spy for us."

"I know," He replies. "We have seven kids and two adults wandering around town. However, if we leave them here, the Other Worlders will figure out that we've been controlling them with brain slugs. Just like the Soldier right there."

He looks to his Human and Dark Elf helpers. Both of them have brain slugs in their heads and have become loyal servants. The Human Borqual has been a brainwashed slave for the past five years and the Dark Elf Jaruki has been one for thirteen years. He then looks to the Other Worlder they had recently taken.

First Sergeant Miloslav Suchanek is standing, listening into the conversation. During the quake, he tried to stop these people from taking a kid but failed(1). His failure allowed the Haryo Tribe to get an agent within the Alnus Military Police, gaining much-needed information.

"It does not matter," The Human Borqual said. "That damn Warrior Bunny saw you."

"Borqual is right," Jaruki said. "It will only be a matter of time before we are discovered. Our advantage was that they didn't know to look for us. That's how we been able to place misdirection in our operations here. Now that they are becoming wiser our disinformation campaign will not work.

He looks back at his orders. They learned that General Herm will be shipped to Earth soon. Herm is a key friend and General of Zorzal and his capture was an embarrassment. Herm going to Earth will be a massive loss. That is why Sadera wants them to use all their resources to rescue him. Getting him back would be a major victory for the Empire.

But that is not the only target. They have been playing to save Herm for a while now, planting the seeds. The reason why they haven't conducted the operation yet is getting out of Alnus. They have a few secret tunnels that lead out of Alnus.

Miloslav said that the Other Worlders wouldn't think to check for that because they already scanned for tunnels when they first arrived. They wouldn't expect a recently constructed one by Dwarves.

"Are we going after our recent attack?" Borqual asked. "I know it's sooner than we wanted but if we are leaving this is our only chance."

There is a secondary target that they only recently discovered after they brainwashed Miloslav that, Zorzal has a bastard son here. He once had a female American slave that was taken away(2). He explained that one of his and Myuute secret missions is to protect this girl named Noriko, and her son Tenchi, the son of Zorzal.

While he has not had a chance to report this finding to Bouro he sees that this is a target they must take. Not because it will please Zorzal but it will please the tribe leader Bouro.

The Haryo Tribe sees themselves as the true rulers of Falmart and that all the other races should serve them. They have plans to remove many of the other races that they think could pose a challenge to their rule, just like what they did with the Warrior Bunnies.

It was not an accident the Empire attacked the Warrior Bunnies; it was engineered by the Haryo Tribe as part of their conquest of Falmart. They were one of the few races that could stop their plans to infiltrate the Empire and hijack it, because of their natural strength and abilities. And that they only reproduce other bunnies.

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