V07 - Chapter 76 Four Sisters

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"Gooood Morning Alnus. Today is another Special Sunny day. Enjoy it while it lasts because weather reports show it will be a rain storm all day tomorrow. Get whatever you are doing done before hand because the AMP will be declaring a warning. Contact the emergency line or fire a flare if you need emergency assistance.

Word from the Elies Theater, our boys are pushing forward. In the meantime, US Rangers rescued elves prisoners from the Empire. Alnus please give them a warm welcome." – Alnus Liberty News


--- Alnus Community, Bath House ---

August 31st, 2025

As Tuka walks down the street, she would not be alone. To her right is the blue hair girl mage Lelei La Lalen in this blue rob dress with this lime green lines around it. The other girl to her left is the apostle of Emroy Rory Mercury, in this black and red skirt dress. Right in front of her is that short Edraen girl Selina Sharpe, wearing this skirt with a brown sweater.

All three of them decided to take her out and around Alnus while everyone else is busy doing their military duties. She has seen none-elf towns before, they never feel natural like elf towns. She does find this place nice with a homey feeling in the town.

Most of the buildings are about three to four stories tall. There are these merchants stands all over the place, selling all these different goods. On top of what looks like this small six-story tower, she sees these two signs with numbers on them.

"What is that up there on the tower?" She asked.

Lelei looks up and sees what she is talking about. "That is what they call a digital clock. What its dose tells you the time of day. From daytime to nighttime. The Other Worlders like to keep things on a schedule and keep things organized. The numbers on top are the time for this world while the numbers on the bottom are the time on their world."

Tuka looks back up the clock at amazement. The clock reminds her of a story her father told her about Humans and other Humanoids. Because they live such short lives, they need to be more efficient with the amount of time they have. Elves can take hundreds of years to do something if they wish, that's because there is no urgency. Humans cannot wait like that and that is why he believes why Humans can develop such complex societies. For good or bad.

As they continue to walk, the first thing she has noticed is how diverse the town is. All these different types of races all around, all seem to be happy. That might be because she sees these three soldiers standing there heavily armed. They seem to be friendly as they talk with these few females.

"So, they have soldiers walking around here?" She asked.

"Yes and no," Lelei responds and then sees what Tuka is referencing too. "Those ones there are the French and Italian Military Police, part of the Alnus Military Police program. They are not actual soldiers but a police officer. They keep the ones who enforce laws and soldiers separate."

"Interesting. That seems like a waste of resources." She responds.

"Yeah well... you will learn that these people like it complicated. But they have their reasons. It is best to play by most of their rules." Rory comments.

She looks to Rory after hearing that. "Most?"

Rory looks over to her and gives her a wink. "Yup."

"Hey, Tuka!" Selina said as she turns around to face her.

She looks down and sees this big smile on the Edraen girl's face as she points to this building. She feels a little frustrated having to talk to her but suppress her feelings. "What is it?"

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