Shinsō x Trans Male!Reader(1)

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(3-part series! Shinsō Family x Trans Boy Reader! Less romance, more platonic. I can't bring myself to actually write the whole thing, it seemed too drawn-out, so I broke it into a three-part story!)

I hit the door until the voices of our attackers fade and my hands are tired. Growling in frustration, I turn to the boy and take a deep breath.

I try to calm down, frustrated. The closet was small, and I was almost pressed against him. I'm angry at the people who were attacking the boy in the closet across from me. I manage a few calming breaths before speaking.

"Sorry I couldn't do more to help, I just got us locked in here," I mutter, "we aren't supposed to use our quirks in the building."

"No, you did more than enough. You got them to stop kicking me." He rests a tender hand on his abdomen. "Thanks for stepping in, sorry you got caught up in this."

"Oh, it's no trouble. I'm the reason we were locked in the closet, since I'm openly not-straight. And uh, besides, it is a hero's job to meddle." I joke lightly, touching my nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding. "Is there a light? I can check the walls if you'll check for a hanging chain."

The boy agrees, and finds the pull switch. He doesn't have any injuries to his face besides a small bruise forming on his jaw. I touch my pulsing nose again, not finding any blood.

"Your lip is pretty cut up, but I can't see anything else. Maybe a bruise on your nose."

"Thanks." Wiping my lip, I introduce myself to him. "And you're Shinsō Hitoshi, right? I saw you at the sports festival." I smile, secretly admiring his fluffy purple hair.

"Yeah, that's me. You're in the hero course, right? Class 1B?" I nod. "That's cool. I wanted to be in the hero course too, but I have to wait for an opening and try to transfer."

"I'm sure you'll get in and be a great hero some day." I give him a smile.

"You think so?" He gauges my reaction. "Not many people think a quirk like mine is cut out for hero work. Most think that it would be more useful for a villain."

"Well I don't think quirks have anything to do with what a hero really is. A quirk helps, but what matters is who a person is." A sparkle lights in my eyes. "My quirk could be used just as well for heroism or villainy."

"That's an objective way of looking at it. I've always been told bad things about my quirk- that's why those guys jumped me in the hallway, when you stepped in. I just have to prove them wrong."

"That's the spirit! You'll be an awesome hero one day. With a quirk like that, it'll make it easy to capture villains." I feel a grin creep onto my face.

His face seems to mirror mine, his lips curling upwards. "You're pretty cool, you know that?"

Before I can answer, I hear voices in the hallway.

Shinsō reaches behind me, pressed against me. I try to conceal the burning sensation across my face. I know it isn't from being punched earlier. I've never been great with physical contact from people I don't know. I brush it off as he knocks on the door.

Soon enough someone opens the door, and we end up ratting out the kids responsible for locking us in the closet together.

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