Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader

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I stretch, turning around on the bed. Afternoon sunlight floods in through the window. Arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back into someone's chest.

Smiling, I hum happily. My fiance pulls me closer. I sigh contently.

"I heard you come in earlier," I whisper. "Did you have a good shift?"

He nods, his breath hitting my neck. "Not much happened today."

"That's good. I don't have to patrol tonight, so we can hang out."

"Lovely. I've missed your presence," Fumikage admits.

"Hmm," I agree. "What will we do with our evening off?"

"We need some groceries. Since you always pack my lunch, I could cook that dish you like."

A smile creeps onto my face. "That would be nice."

Fumikage sits up, and I follow suit. I get dressed, wearing a black shirt and pants. He may be an influence on my wardrobe choices.

He gets his clothes on, too, and we leave for the store.

The afternoon sun is high in the sky. We walk through the streets, holding hands. It's only a couple blocks to the store. Silently, we enjoy each other's company.

Since we're both pro heroes, we don't get much time alone together.

I open the door, holding it for him. He nods his thanks, and Dark Shadow peeks out from his cape.

We walk through the store, picking things we'll need for the week. I fall behind him, looking at the candy. From the corner of my eye, I spot Dark Shadow taking things off the shelf and putting them in the cart. Mostly fruit and hard candies. I grin, winking at him. I'll keep his secret. That's why he likes me.

He snickers, getting himself caught by Fumikage. I look away innocently as Fumi-chan scolds him.

I pat Dark Shadow's head as I walk behind Fumikage, comforting him. We get some of the fruit and candy anyway. He deserves some treats.

We head home, carrying our bags, watching the sun above the horizon. The streets were golden as we walk side by side. I sigh in contentment.

He holds the door to the apartment for me this time. Fumikage and Dark Shadow begin to prepare the food, cooking my favourite dish.

By the time they're done, there's enough for a couple lunches (or midnight lunches? since I have night shift). We eat, enjoying this time together.

I sit beside him on the couch, cuddling into him as we watch Avatar.

Times like these are the best. We don't get them often. We have our share of arguments, and our share of loss. We both have busy lives. Even after everything we've been through, I look at him and I'm still a little kid, in love with him.

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