Jirō Kyōka x Female!Reader

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From the moment I later eyes on her, I began to question how I felt. Of course, I was in the phase of my life where I began exploring who I was.

Who I liked.

Looking at the boys in my class, none of them caught my eye. And I tried to convince myself that maybe I just didn't know them well enough.

Several months into the course, I knew I had fallen hard for her. Jirō Kyōka. She's beautiful, her quirk is amazing, and her personality is perfect to me.

I repressed these feelings. What would people say? What would she say?

So when Kaminari Denki asked me out on a lunch date, I agreed. Much to his surprise.

We sit down and order our drinks. He begins talking about how cute I am, and how happy he is to be with me today. I smile politely.

This isn't right. It doesn't feel right. I look down at the menu, not really reading it.

He looks up from his menu. "Are you alright?"

Snapping my gaze up to meet his, I feel a knot in my stomach. I close the menu. "I'm sorry. This isn't right. I shouldn't agree to a date, only to try and get over someone else." I cover my face, feeling the emotions swelling up.

"I understand. Who is it?" It seems he had already guessed I liked someone, from the sympathetic look on his face.

"J... Jirō," I mumble.

His eyes widen. "I would have thought Kirishima," he laughs, "but I think he's gay, too. Anyway, I think you should tell her. I'm pretty sure she's into both girls and guys."

"You think so?" I look at him hopefully.

"I do," Denki gives me a grin. "Now, what do you want to eat?"

--- ---

He insisted on paying anyway, saying he was the one who asked me. Then he sent me off to confess my feelings to the girl I love.

I slip a note under her door while she's gone. Then, I go to prepare for the next part of the plan.

About an hour later, I'm waiting in the park. I look down at the purple flowers I had picked myself, unable to get rid of the red blush on my face.

I hear footsteps, looking up to see Jirō Kyōka, her earphone jacks curling up in surprise when she sees me. She calls my name in question, and I stand up. I hold out the flowers awkwardly.

"Jirō, I have been struggling for a long time with these feelings. I didn't know how you would react. I didn't want to ruin our friendship," I pause, then continue. "I really like- no, love you. I love you, and I hope you will return my sentiments."

I can't meet her eyes, biting my lip.

She launches herself at me, throwing her arms around my neck, making me drop the flowers. "I love you, too! I just... I thought you were straight," Kyōka says in embarrassment.

"I thought you were, too," I admit.

I look into her eyes happily, watching as her earphone jacks practically wag in excitement. "I'm so happy," she basically cries.

"Me too," I pull her closer. She leans in, and our lips almost touch, before we hear a noise coming from the bushes.

We look over, spotting yellow-blond hair, and both immediately yell at Kaminari.

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