Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Reader

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(Added Hawks to my list. Been trying to think of oneshot plots all day lol.)

I hear a knock on my door.

Who could that be?

With a sigh, I get up from my warm, cozy spot on the couch. I open the door, only to find a drenched hero in front of me.

"Can I come in?" He gives me a suave grin, which could have been attractive if he didn't look half-drowned.

A laugh escapes my lips. "Of course, Keigo," I know he'll argue if I'm too formal.

He hurries in from the rain, throwing pieces of his hero costume on the floor, and I lead him straight into the bathroom. "You're getting my carpet muddy," I tease.

I throw him a towel, and he sends me a tired grin. "I'll clean."

Keigo dries his hair, shaking himself to dry his wings. I recoil, getting splashed. "Hey!"

He laughs, purposely flicking me with water droplets.

I smack his head lightly, then grab some preening tools from the drawer. "Sit on the stool, I'll preen your feathers."

He complies excitedly. "Oh man you really know the way to my heart."

Rolling my eyes, I get to work.

I work in an aviary. My quirk allows me to understand and speak to birds, of almost any type. I have spent most of my life studying and taking care of birds, so I know the importance of preening.

I run the comb lightly through his feathers. "You haven't been taking care of your wings as well as you should," I prompt him.

"I know, I know. I just like when you do it for me," Keigo leans back into me, smiling like a dork.

Rolling my eyes at him, I push him forward again. "You need to preen more often."

I can practically feel him pout. But, more importantly, I can feel how tense he is. He's also less of a pain than usual right now.

"Your primaries are so pretty," I mumble.

His confident aura returns, and he looks over at me, waggling his eyebrows at me. "You think so?"

I smack his head lightly again. "They'd be prettier if you took better care of them."

Keigo huffs. "It's hard to reach on my own." His voice drops as he looks away. A small pink blush appears on his face. "Maybe you could preen it more often?"

I ruffle his hair, "Come over then."

He clears his throat. "Actually, I was thinking. You were talking about getting a roommate, and I would like to be that person." The feathers on his wings twitch lightly with nervousness.

"That would be nice," I say once I've recovered my voice. My own face was turning pink.

"You think so?" Keigo looks up at me hopefully.

I nod. "Especially if I get to preen you more often."

He suddenly turns flirty, "You could run your hands up something else if you wan-" he's cut off with a snack to his head.


I roll my eyes, continuing to preen his wings.

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