🏳️‍🌈 Trans*Female: Ojirō x Trans!Female!Reader

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The zipper tickles my skin, along with my husband's callous fingertips, as he finishes zipping up the back of my dress for me.

"There we go, are you feeling comfortable, love?"

"I think I like it," I look in the mirror timidly. Mashirao kisses my cheek, adjusting his bowtie.

"I hope so. You look beautiful," his warm smile melts away my insecurities.

"Thank you, Mashi. You look absolutely handsome," I lean my head against his shoulder briefly, taking precaution not to mess up my hair too badly. His own blonde hair is combed neatly, and even his tail has been groomed.

"I think we're about ready to go. Right on time, in fact."

Mashirao takes one last look in the mirror before holding his arm out for me. I take it gladly.

"Alright, let's go."

The trip to the restaurant is quiet, but not in a bad sense. While in the cab, he holds my hand; my nails are painted a shade to complement my dress. I still feel a bit stocky, but the way he holds me is tender. Like I'm a delicate flower.

My free hand messes with the chain of my necklace. A bracelet glimmers on my wrist. The ring on my finger tugs at my heartstrings. I can't believe our life together is real. It's not a fairy tale, sure, but it's perfect for us.

When we get to the fancy restaurant, he guides me to our table, behind the hostess. We order drinks, and he smiles at me.

He takes my hands in his, leaning in to kiss my knuckles. His tail wags behind him gently.

"You're beautiful."

My heart melts in his warm expression. "Thank you, Mashirao." I take a deep breath to calm down. No need to cry.

"I mean it, sweetheart." Mashirao's smile is as genuine as ever. "You're lovely."

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