🎃 Iida Tenya x Reader

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Tenya laughs when I turn back to him, sticking my tongue out. "Come on, Batman! Hit me!"

"How about I kiss your cheek instead, Mx Joker?" Tenya reaches out to hold my hand.

I let him, but pout. "I don't think that's in the script."

"It could be if the writers weren't cowards," he kisses the top of my head. I reach in my bag, snacking on some of the candy we've gotten so far.

"Or if you read enough fanfiction."

The two of us turn into the driveway, and the older lady at the porch gives us a handful of candy each.

"So nice to see teenagers out having fun," she gleams.

We thank her, and as we leave, I adjust his mask. His glasses make it a little awkward, but still cute. Continuing down the few houses on this block, I kick up the leaves under my feet.

Tenya joins in, kicking them towards me as we giggle. I kick an exceptionally larger pile at him, miscalculating and tripping.

He catches me, falling to the ground with me with a thud. The leaves go up around where we land, one landing on his face

The two of us are loud as we laugh, throwing leaves at each other from the ground.

"Hah, Y/n, you can't trick me with your quirk."

"What?" I pause. I wasn't even using my quirk, invisible force.

"Having it grab my ankle," he stills.

Our gazes slowly track down to his ankle. A dark mass of ghillie suit shifts with a stifled laugh, and I see a familiar face.

"Dammit, Kaminari!" I yell, leaping towards our classmate.

"It wasn't my idea don't kill me!" He squeals, running as I chase after him.

Tenya's arms wrap around my waist, stopping my pursuit. "Thanks for defending me, love."

"Of course, Mr. Batman." I smile at him, amongst my already smiling face.

"I don't think this is how it works in the comics."

"It could be if the writers weren't cowards."

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