Scenarios: Boys x Pregnant! Reader 2

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🐙 Shoji Meso 🐙:

A hand touches my belly tenderly. "You mean..?"

"Yes," I rest my head in one of his other hands. "I'm pregnant."

Another hand pulls down his mask, an extra arm producing a mouth. His lips curl into a smile, both mouths kissing at my cheeks. I giggle.

"I can wait," his extra mouth whispers. "I'm going to be a father."

⚡ Kaminari Denki ⚡:

"Denki," I twiddle with the test in my pocket. He looks up from his video game.

"Yes babe?" His golden eyes gleam. He has no idea, he knows I've been sickly lately. "Are you doing alright today?"

"Denki," pull the test out of my hoodie pocket. "It's positive."

"What's positive?" He looks at the test in my hands. "What is it?"

"A pregnancy test," I deadpan at how dense he is.

"Uh." Denki processes it for a moment, and I watch as his brain short circuits.

"Denki? You good?"

He gives thumbs up dumbly, "Ye Ye."

💮 Aoyama Yūga 💮:

Yūga hands me the pregnancy test. "Come on! We shall find out together!" His smile is wide.

"Okay," I give him a timid smile back. Something had been off with me for the last couple weeks. I'd tried tea for my upset stomach, and the mood swings were horrible.

Eventually Yūga suggested a pregnancy test.

Minutes pass after I take the test, Yūga sitting beside me on the floor, our backs resting on the wall.

"What if it's positive?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Then I'll be the most shining parent, second only to you." He hugs me close.

I grab the test, reading the line. "Positive."

🍰 Satō Rikido 🍰:

"You made me a cake and decorated it?" He smiles, looking down at my work. Usually whenever I make him cake for his quirk, I skip anything extra. But this one is special.

"Yep! I wanted to do something a little extra with it."

"What's the special occasion?" His thumb rubs the back of my hand gently.

I take a deep breath, pulling his hand to my stomach. "Well, there's also something else in the oven."

🕷️ Sero Hanta 🕷️:

I let my fingers trace over his elbows, around his quirk-endowed tape dispensers. I've always thought they were cool. He smiles sleepily.

"Hey, honey?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes dear?" He rakes his fingers through my hair.

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" He sits up quickly, looking down at me. "You're pregnant? When did you find out?"

"Earlier before you came home. I just couldn't find the words to tell you."

"Oh wow... You're pregnant," he repeats, a smile dawning on his face. "We're going to have a baby!"

🌃 Tokoyami Fumikage 🌃:

I whisper to Dark Shadow about my problem as Fumikage sleeps. I can tell he's actually asleep- the way his beak is half-open, fingers clutched tightly into the pillow.

"You what!" Dark Shadow squacks loudly, leading me to shush him.

"I took a pregnancy test earlier, and it was positive," I whisper again.

"When are you going to tell him?!"

"Tomorrow, I've already been so nervous."

"Oh man he's going to be the most nervous father, it's going to be funny!" Dark Shadow grins, his clawed hand resting gently on my belly.

Fumikage stirs. "I'm going to be a what-"

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