Yaoyorozu Momo x Reader x Jirō Kyōka

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(A request, the requester wishes to remain anonymous. Here you go! Sorry for the wait.)

Kyōka and I pull at Momo's hands, urging her to follow us. "Come on, Momo!"

"I'm coming, you guys are just too excited," she laughs, her bangs spilling into her face.

"Come on! I'm excited for our date," Kyōka hasn't let her smile go since this morning.

She's wearing the outfit Jirō and I bought specifically for this occasion, lipstick Kyōka bought her for her last birthday, and the sturdy hair pins I gave her. She's a stunning picture.

Finally, we're there: Paintball Palace.

Kyōka takes over completely, pulling us both inside, a determined smile on her face. The guy at the counter sets us up in a flash, and we're out on the field before we know it.

I hide, grinning from ear to ear. It's supposed to be a free-for-all. I wink at Momo, and she nods back. Both of us rush Kyōka, and eventually Momo and I turned on one another, laughter filling the air for the rest of the afternoon.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I plop down on the couch. After a hot shower, all that's left after today's date is a movie session.

Jirō sits next to me, and Momo on her other side. My arm drapes over Kyōka's shoulder, and Momo's over mine. Kyōka clutches her guitar plushy to her chest, after pressing play on the movie. I wince, moving my sore arm.

"I got you pretty good with that one, huh?" Kyōka notices, her earphone jack raising in a question.

"Yeah, it's fine though. I got you in the leg with one."

"Yeah well I got both of you in the back," Momo laughs. "You both need to work on your blind spots."

Kyōka and I agree, and all three of us fall into silence, watching School of Rock while sipping tea.

"I love you both," I murmur.

"I love both of you as well," Momo smiles.

"Shh I'm watching the movie," Jirō let's the joke slip, grinning at both of us. "But I love you, too."

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