Midoriya Izuku x Reader

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I walk into school, smiling up at the amazing sight of UA. The windows reflect the morning light, giving off a positive feeling.

I cringe, remembering I have a presentation later in a class, after lunch. I definitely don't want to do it. What if I trip walking up in front of the class? What if I forget my entire presentation?

These scenarios run through my head as I head to class.

"Oh, hey!" Someone calls out to me. I look up, meeting the green hair and eyes of my classmate, Midoriya Izuku.

I smile back. "Hey, Deku."

"Are you ready for your presentation today?"

Groaning, I hide my face in my hands. "No. I hate public speaking."

"Me too, I'm glad mine is tomorrow," he rubs the back of his head. "Can we practice together at lunch?"

I feel a small blush creep onto my face. "Sure."

We talk about where to meet, and enter our classroom.

Finding my seat, I sit down. Today is going to be a long day.

--- ---

I meet up with Izuku, smiling as he looks up from his note cards.

Izuku smiles back, and we begin rehearsing our speeches in the cafeteria hallway. People walk by, not paying any attention.

Once we're finished, it's almost time for lunch to be over. I take my bag off my shoulder to put my cards up. I hear a small /rip! sound.

Looking in horror at my shirt. Two buttons had been popped off the white shirt, right in the middle. Luckily, I had a tank top under it, but I stare, terrified. This would definitely get points deducted from my speech.

Izuku gasps, throwing his hand up in panic. "Your shirt!"

We both collectively panic for several minutes, until Tenya calls out to us. "What is the matter?"

I point to my shirt. "I have a presentation in less than five minutes!"

Tenya makes some of his hand gestures, "This is very inconvenient. Could you borrow Midoriya's shirt until after your presentation? The two of you are close in size."

Midoriya gulps, agreeing to let me wear his shirt. I change, making it to class barely on time.

Izuku, who's already sitting down, gives me a thumbs up, wearing my ripped shirt. He looks kind of funny.

By the time my presentation is up, I feel more confident. Wearing his shirt, which smelled like him. Looking into his eyes, expressing my graditude.

I'm not even afraid.

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