Jirō Kyōka x Reader

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I take my girlfriend by the hand, dragging her to yet another store.

Kyōka sighs, a little tired. "Can't I just go home? We've been shopping for several hours now."

"Don't be like that," I laugh. "I want to have fun with you for your birthday."

"I guess that's fine. I don't really have any other plans today. I asked Yao-Momo to join us, but she was busy."

I shrug. "Well at least you have me."

Kyōka nods, looking at a stand of guitar picks and straps. I quickly steer her away from them, much to her displeasure. I have a surprise for her later.

Instead, I pull her over to the CDs, pointing out some of her favourite albums.

Luckily for me, she loses interest in the guitar straps.

I lead her down to a small café, where we order drinks and a snack for lunch.

Not too long after we finish our food, I get a text. "Kaminari needs help with something," I tell her, careful to keep a straight face. "I think he got stuck on the ceiling."

"On the ceiling?" Kyōka looks at me in disbelief. "I mean, I don't put it past him, but how?"

"Something about Sero and Mina pulling a prank."

Kyōka and I hurry back to the dorms, and right as I open the door and let her through, a large bang! sounds.

She stops in her tracks, earphones raising in surprise as a chorus of 'surprise's and 'happy birthday's rings out.

I walk in after her, grinning. She turns, hugging me tightly. Then she turns back, joining the party.

Everyone from class 1-A had joined in, even Bakugō, hence the bang from earlier.

Sodapop, chips, other snacks, and birthday cake were laid out on a table in the kitchen, and the coffee table was filled with gifts for the birthday girl.

Everyone mingles together. The cake was made by Sato, with help from Momo when it came to decorating. The border was purple, with little rockstar figurines from Kyōka's favourite band. It was delicious, and Kyōka seemed to really enjoy it.

I sit next to her on the couch after we have the cake, so she can open presents.

Everyone gathers around to watch. Hagakure, Yao-Momo and Mina had teamed up to make her little sleeves for her earjacks, and she almost cried. The rest of the Bakusquad pitched in to get her a new amp. Deku and Todoroki got her a new set of guitar picks, featuring a band she likes. Ochaco helped Iida pick out their gift to her, a small plush bunny rabbit with headphones on it. The rest gave her smaller things, like posters and a guitar pillow.

I give her a timid smile as I hand her my present.

Kyōka stares after she opens it, holding the guitar strap in her hands. They shake as she looks at me. Tears fill her eyes. "You had this made for me?"

"I figured that having your name on your guitar strap is cool, so having your hero name would be awesome." I scratch the back of my head bashfully.

The guitar strap was her two favourite colours, and had the name Earphone Jack on it, decorated with little music notes.

"Thank you!" She pulls me into a tight hug.

I hug her back, feeling like the happiest person in the world.

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