Ashido Mina x Reader

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(Gender neutral, but Mineta doesn't objectify you for reasons? Idk go with it. Maybe you've scared him too much.)

I roll my eyes, having given up on getting away from the two bozos. They had already retrieved me from my room several times, since I kept using my teleportation quirk. Kaminari pulls at my arm, "Come on! They're talking about girl stuff, maybe they're talking about us!"

"Or periods," I deadpan. Why am I rallied into his antics? "Or makeup. Or, you know, hero stuff and homework."

"Which is why we've got to find out!" The drooling boy at my leg grins and I shiver.

"I want no part in this," I huff. We reach the door to the commons. "I'm just going to get some tea."

"No! You'll blow our cover. Now shush," Kaminari puts his finger to his lips.

"I don't care," I his back, reaching to open the door before I hear a voice say my name.

"Really? You like L/n?" A feminine voice asks, likely Uraraka.

"Tell us more!" A voice I recognize as Hagakure's calls out.

"I just think they're cute!" Someone says in a hushed voice. Kaminari grins at me and I give him the finger.

"Go on, what do you like about them?" Jirō sounds amused.

"Their hair looks so nice and their eyes- And they're always working so hard and watching out for everyone, you know?" Her voice is still quiet.

"Seems like you have a small crush," Tsu pipes up.

"Yes, it seems like you've been bitten by a love bug!" Aoyama swoons audibly.

"Can you all just shut up," a voice growls.

Kaminari makes a face. "I can understand Aoyama, but Bakugō?"

I glare at him. "Shut it."

The chatter behind the door quiets, enough I can't hear who's talking or what they're saying. I pout, wondering who was speaking so highly of me. Two options left, unless there were more boys inside the room. Momo or Mina.

I gulp, quickly eliminating Momo as an option. Their voices and structures of speaking were different enough to determine as much.


I feel my face heat up. The girl I've had the biggest crush on for over a year... Likes me?

A smile sits dumbly on my face, wiped clean as Kaminari slams open the door, revealing the three of us. "L/n likes you, too, Mina!"

I deadpan, already planning my revenge on him. My heart beats in my throat as the girls, Aoyama, Bakugō, and Kirishima all look over.

I can't feel anything, and soon a random street fills my vision. Teleportation quirks are fun... Until you panic and end up in France.

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