Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) x Reader

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One cold-hearted, quirkless Yakuza assassin and one sociopathic, germaphobic 'world-cleanser' probably aren't your ideal picture of a perfect couple.

Or maybe they are, your author doesn't judge.

This couple is not typical. They're barely even an actual couple, not even friends. The only thing that keeps them together is their mutual hatred for this world, and quirks.

The whole idea of a 'date night' seems ridiculous to them. It's unimportant. Unnecessary.

So why, pray tell, are they currently walking through an aquarium, holding each others' gloved hands?

Good question.

--- 1st P.O.V. ---

"That one is cool." I point one out. It was a black lionfish, with plenty of spines.

"Hm," Chisaki practically ignores me. That's fine with me. For now.

I point out a hammerhead shark, and a stingray, Chisaki humming nonchalantly every time.

For nearly an hour we go on like this. I point things out, he dismisses them. I get a bit happy at the swarms of fish, mostly the dangerous ones, he stays the same, emotionless man he always is. I have grown to accept this. He just isn't interested in such material things. He only cares about cleansing this world.

Someone in a dark coat bumps into him, catching my eye as they hand off a package. Chisaki stuffs the package into his jacket, acting as if nothing had happened.

Date night? A cover for this assignment.

He nods to me, turning the corner to go down another row of fishtanks. "You enjoy this? Watching the fish?" Chisaki says, uninterested.

"It's fun to watch them."

"Then there is no harm in staying longer."

Giving a small grin, I turn back to the fish. "That one is awesome!" I point to an urchin with a bunch of spikes.

He goes back to ignoring me, but I understand the small gesture. Neither of us would acknowledge this, not ever, but it still hangs in the air.

He doesn't care. About anyone, about anything, other than cleansing this world.

But he's content to share his anger with me. To stay by my side, for as long as I can survive near him.

And I can't say I mind that.

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