Todoroki x Reader x Bakugō

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I adjust my clothes, looking at myself in the mirror. Nodding in agreement, now that everything is in order, I leave to check on my boyfriends.

Walking into the bedroom, I'm amused by the sight before me: Shotō trying to help Katsuki with his necktie, his own white bowtie perfectly tied and centered. It went excellently with his hair, which had grown so much since our highschool days. It's half tied up, and the top swirls like a peppermint candy.

I watch Katsuki argue with him about the tie, apparently being choked. Joining them, I greet each of them with a kiss on the forehead. "Here, Katsuki. It's supposed to be a little tight."

He groans. "No one is going to care, it's just our old classmates."

"I know, but we should look presentable for them."

"I don't know why," Katsuki mutters.

I kiss his forehead again, "For me?"

"Fine, fine." He waves me away, and I turn to Shotō.

"You look amazing," I smile softly. "You both do."

"I could say the same for you," Shotō hums, and I hear Katsuki agree.

Blushing like a kid, I turn away. Even after two years of being out of highschool, they still make me feel like it's a highschool crush.

Shotō turns back to the mirror, messing with his hair. "I hope I did this right."

Katsuki, grinning, reaches over and tugs a red strand of hair. "It looks fine, IcyHot."

Shotō shakes his head, but a small smile perches on his face.

"Come on, Peppermint and Blasty," I chide, "or else we'll be late."

They agree, and I lead the way.

The two bus rides to the venue seem to take an eternity, as I'm nervous to see all of our classmates again.

Eventually, the time arrives. I shift between my feet, waiting outside for Katsuki to finish yelling at someone who was checking out Shotō on the sidewalk.

When he returns, Shotō offers his arms to both of us. I take it without a fuss, and Katsuki huffs before taking the other, complaining about something.

Shotō gives me a comforting glance before we enter. Someone takes the jackets, and Shotō escorts us to the greatroom.

I spot Deku and Uraraka laughing together, and Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari hanging out at the snacks table.

Katsuki breaks away from us to say hi to Kirishima, or, in his words, 'see how that idiot has been'.

Shotō gestures over to Deku and Uraraka, and now Iida. I follow him, and they talk for a while about hero stuff. I shift, waiting for my best friend to show up. I'd gotten close to all of my classmates, but this person I'd been friends with since the first year.

Then I spot her. Peeling myself away from Shotō, I practically run to Jirō.

"Kyōka! How have you been?"

"Hey! I've missed you!" She clasps her hands together. "Every time I wanted to ask to meet up, something came up."

"Me too," I laugh.

Momo soon joins us, her hand twining with Kyōka's.

"Hey! Are you still with Todoroki and Bakugō?"

I nod, blushing a little as I glimpse both of my boyfriends chatting with their old friends.

"All things going well?" Kyōka teases.

"I haven't pulled my hair out at their arguing yet," I joke. "But really, it's been nice. What about you two?"

"Lovely! Look!" Kyōka lifts her left hand, showing off a glistening ring. I awe and congratulate them.

"You two are adorable together."

They both blush. "Who is supposed to ask between the three of you?" Momo inquires. "If it's something you guys have talked about, anyway."

"I think we're going to take it in turns," I reply, messing with my outfit absentmindedly.

The three of us talk until it's time for the speech from the principal, as well as Iida and Momo, as the representative and vice president of the class.

Katsuki wraps an arm around my waist as the speeches end. "When is this thing supposed to end?"

Kissing his cheek, I hum. "I think another hour." I smile as he groans.

"It's not that bad, Katsuki," Shotō chides from behind me. "There's free food."

Katsuki huffs, returning to the table where Deku currently was. I roll my eyes as I hear him say something rude to the greenet.

Shotō taps my shoulder. "Could you fix this? It's coming out," he points to his hair, where the pins had come loose.

With a smile, I tie his hair back how he had it, listening to the music playing.

He turns back around after I'm done, a tiny smile tugging at his lips. "Would you like to dance?"

I hold out my hand, and he takes it, pulling me close.

He leans in, his lips brushing against mine. Arms wrap around his middle, and I spot Katsuki's head on Shotō's shoulder.

Both ruby eyes, and mismatched blue and gray eyes, meet mine as we dance together, melting together happily.

--- ---

"Take off your shoes, at least," I laugh.

I drop my outfit in the basket, pulling on my sweatpants and a shirt to sleep in. Shotō yawns, his arms still wrapped around me. Bakugō had already collapsed onto the bed, refusing to undress.

"I'm too tired," Katsuki protests. His tie had been discarded and the top part of his shirt had been unbuttoned halfway through the reunion, so there was nothing keeping him from sleeping comfortably.

Until Shotō was finished changing, his long hair messed so the red and white mixed together. I give him a mischievous glance, which he nods to.

He removes our boyfriend's shoes, while I sit next to the blond. I reach out a hand as Shotō crawls on top of Katsuki, effectively pinning him down. He groans, giving us a curious look.

"Last chance, Katsu-chan!" I grin. "Get dressed for bed."

"Or what? You'll strip me?"

Shotō grabs his wrists, holding them above his head. I reach my hands to his sides, immediately tickling them while cackling.

Katsuki gasps in betrayal, laughing and begging for us to stop.

"Come on, come on, I'll change already!" He laughs breathlessly.

As soon as Shotō lets go, they immediately look at me. I gulp. Katsuki grabs my wrists, pulling me over him and grabbing my sides. The two of them tickle me, their hands against my sides as I howl with laughter, squirming in their grips.

By the time they're done tickling me, Katsuki stands up and leaves, changing into something for him to sleep in. He walks back in, yawning, and plops down on his back beside me. Shotō wraps his arms around me, and I wrap mine around Katsuki.

My eyes are heavy as I snuggle into both of them. "I had fun at the reunion."

Shotō nods, and even Katsuki grunts in agreement.

I drift off, but not before hearing them exchange 'I love you's. I'm just so happy to have these two in my life.

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