Redeemed!Dabi x Male!Reader: Two Wrongs

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(The song is Two Wrongs by 8 Graves. I suggest checking them out! In this fic, Dabi has changed his life for the better, and you, who has fallen in love with him, are helping him get back onto his feet. Bold/Italicized is the song.)

Falling on darker days
On your own been betrayed
Say things change, but nothing does
Suddenly there I was

I stumble, falling onto the concrete. Picking myself up and dusting myself off, I look around. Embarrassment fills me. They're staring. I hurry into the store.

I remember when they left you here for dead
I could hear the screaming in your head
You were always beautiful and bold
face of heaven, heart of gold
And I promised you "you're not alone"

I rush into my apartment, avoiding anyone I see in the hallway. My eyes catch on the man eating chips in the living room. He casts me a half-smile, focusing again on the show.

"Did you get my Doritos?"

With a nod, I avoid his eyes. I leave the room, putting things away in the kitchen.

I still see the storm that's raging in your eyes
I will be the torch to guide you through your night

I still need your warmth to find the will to fight
Maybe these two wrongs can make a right

A pair of arms wraps around my waist. I can't bring myself to look up at him. Ashamed that I feel this way.

"You alright?" He hums. "I didn't get a chance to give you a welcome-home kiss."

Hesitantly, I shake my head. "People kept staring."

Dabi growls in my ear. "To hell with them. They're judging you for being a good friend. And an even better boyfriend," he kisses my neck.

On the edge all alone
weak of flesh and frail of bone
All my days became a blur
Suddenly, there you were

I lean back into him, nodding. I still can't help the tears that leak out of my eyes. He kisses my cheek, holding me close. Like I might break.

Nothing. I regret nothing. Not helping him when he got out of prison. Not letting him move in as my roommate. Not when I helped him get a job.

Not even when fell in love with him. Especially not that.

Remember when they left me there to die?
You could see the pain inside my eyes
I swore I could make it on my own Head of steam a heart of stone
But you promised me you're not alone

Dabi had been alone in this world. He was escaping his family. Who he was. The villain he turned into.

I was escaping my life, too. My parents, who never understood. I was open with him, the first time we met.

It didn't faze him. He became my roommate, my friend, and then finally my lover.

I still see the storm that's raging in your eyes
I will be the torch to guide you through your night

I still need your warmth to find the will to fight
Maybe these two wrongs can make a right

People had found out about us. An ex-villain taking a male lover. We were disgusting.

"I love you," Dabi mumbles, kissing my shoulder gently.

But I just can't feel like that around him. This year has been the best of my life.

"I love you, too."

I still see the storm that's raging in your eyes
I will be the torch to guide you through your night

Dabi grabs his Doritos and our sodas, "Come on, let's cuddle. Your show will be on soon."

With a small smile, I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Beside him, I feel so strong. Like anything is possible.

And, I still need your warmth to find the will to fight
Maybe these two wrongs can make a right

Dabi comes back from the bathroom.

That's a lie.

He grins at me, crawling onto the couch beside me. Wearing one of my shirts.

I laugh a little, as he gives me an especially devious grin.

"Guess where these clothes came from?"

A bit confused, I tilt my head. "Where?"

"The closet." Dabi lets out a puff of laughter, resting his head on my shoulder.

I still see the storm that's raging in your eyes, yeah
(I will be) I will be the torch to guide
You through it

He pulls me closer with one arm, spooning me as we watch some baking show. His other calloused hand rubs my skin, making little heart shapes on my stomach.

My mood from earlier had quickly vanished. That's one thing I love about him. He always knows how to brighten my day.

And, I still need your warmth to find the will to fight it
Two wrongs can make a right

He kisses my forehead. "You're cute, you know that?"

With a pink face, I laugh. "And you're adorable."

A used-to-be villain and a man who once had nothing.

Maybe these two wrongs can make a right

"No matter what they say, I love you." Dabi snuggles into me.

My heart swells. "I love you, too."

Maybe these two wrongs can make a right

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