Shinsō Hitoshi x NonBinary!Reader

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"Is the ice cream good?" Hitoshi asks with a tired grin.

"The best place we've tried so far," I lick my ice cream, watching him eat his Rocky Road cone.

"Next time, there's another one in the park I found out about."

For about three months, Hitoshi and I have been dating platonically, which means going out and doing fun dates and cute couple's things, but actually having more of a friend relationship, no romantic feelings. And the past few weeks, we've been trying ice cream place after ice cream place to find the best.

"Hey, are you a boy or a girl?" A voice cuts into our ice cream enjoyment.

For a moment, I can't quite process; my mind goes slightly blank.

"They're a person." Hitoshi butts in. "And it's none of your business."

Appreciation floods my body and I smile gratefully at him. My hands are already shaking.

"Yeah? You don't have to be so rude," the man continues. "I just wanted to know what she was."



"They. That's what their pronouns are." Hitoshi takes a lick of his ice cream nonchalantly. "And, as I said, it's none of your business, so move along," he makes a dismissive gesture.

The man huffs, "Well I think-"

"It doesn't matter what you think," Hitoshi stands up, looking the man directly in his eyes. "Now leave us alone, or I'll report you for harassment."

The man sputters, crossing his arms stiffly and turning away. He soon goes back to his own table, still glaring.

"You okay, sweet tooth?" Hitoshi sits back down next to me, his soothing voice quiet. He holds out his hand to ask permission, and I take it in my own.

"Better now, thanks Hitoshi." The smile I give him is shaky, but he gives me a warm one back.

"Let's get out of here and do our movie night."

"That would be lovely, Hitoshi."

The two of us grab our ice cream, leaving the ice cream shop and heading to his apartment.

"I really appreciate you, Toshi," I lean my head into his shoulder.

"And I appreciate you, too, N/n," he ruffles my hair slightly, leaving us both to laugh.

He's the best datefriend I've ever had.

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