Iida Tenya x Reader

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I wince, clutching my head. Hangovers suck, though this isn't the first time I've had one.

My eyes catch on the man in bed beside me. My boyfriend, Iida Tenya. A warm blush dusts my cheeks as I realize we're both skimpily dressed, him in boxers and I in a loose shirt and pajama shorts, most likely his. We've never slept together before. Did we do anything? Panic threads through me before I remember what happened last night. I heave a sigh of relief.

Cautiously, I examine his bare face, glasses discarded on his bedside table. It was the first time he'd drank anything, and Uraraka, Deku, and Todoroki had dropped us off here.

He'd pulled me with him into bed, and my drunk self had been so comfortable in his arms.

I just gave in to his strong arms as he droned on about the reasons he loved me.

Fanning my face in an attempt to stop blushing, I slip out of bed, careful not to disturb him. What helps with hangovers?


First, I start the coffee, since that's a necessity for Tenya. I look through the cupboards, grabbing everything I will need. I preheat the pan, humming softly to myself. Mixing them together, I then pour a quarter of a cup into the pan. Then another, grabbing a spatula.

One by one, the pancakes form a stack on the plate. The smell of pancakes and coffee fills the air.

A groan pulls me from my pancake making.

I watch as Tenya rubs his face, then his eyes catch mine. "Wh... what?! Why are you here?"

"Sorry, Tenya, I spent the night last night."

He eyes how I'm dressed, his face turning darker red by the second.

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything like that. You just held me when I was tucking you in, and wouldn't let go," I smile. "It was cute."

"I see...." He holds his head gingerly. "Maybe I shouldn't drink. I don't remember much from last night, it's rather foggy."

"I'm making pancakes, it should help your hangover, love." I flip one of the pancakes, after watching the bubbles disappear from the edge. I grin in triumph over my pancake skills.

Arms wrap around my waist, his face in my neck as he watches me finish the last of the pancakes. He helps me carry them to the table, setting them on plates. I grab the syrup and coffee, and sit next to him.

Tenya takes a bite, a soft smile fluttering on his face. "It's helping already."

I smile back, and we eat in a sweet silence. Though this wasn't planned, it's been an opportunity to see what our mornings will be like in the future. Simple, loving, and warm.

I love it already.

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