Todoroki Shotō x Reader

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(I've been posting lots of Todoroki stuff in this book but it's been brought to my attention that this is my book and I can write whatever I WANT.))

I rake my fingers gently through his hair, holding him close to me. Sobs wracked his body, tears soaking my shirt.

I've never seen him cry before.

Todoroki Shotō. My boyfriend of three years, since our second year at UA together. Never once have I seen him shed a single tear, much less collapse into this mess.

"I'm sorry, Shotō."

He shakes his head lightly, burying his face deeper into my shoulder. His sobbing gets louder.

At least this is progress. Whenever he first got home, he wouldn't talk to me. He didn't want the soba I made. He basically closed me out. Whenever I finally confronted him, tears had slid down his face, and he tried to hide himself in the bathroom.

It's been one year since we graduated UA. And he just got a taste of what heroes go through.

"I couldn't save her," he rasps into my ear. "She was right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything."

"I know, it's hard," I struggle to find words to help him. "But we can't save everyone. All we can do is let go, and keep helping people."

He nods, but his sobs don't cease.

"Shotō," I mumble softly. "Let's go cheer you up a little. I made cold soba."

He shakes his head. "I don't deserve it."

With a sigh, I make my voice a little more firm. "Todoroki Shotō, I have never once seen you pity yourself. You've been through so much. I know it's hard, and I'm not saying you need to get over it. You can regret it all you want, but that won't change anything. All you can do is prepare yourself. We're heroes, not saints. We're going to lose people. Just make sure you don't blame yourself for something impossible."

He listens quietly, his sobs slowing down. "I just... I could have saved her. She was right there."

"How many people did you save today?" I ask, my voice gentle again. "How many people have you saved since you became a hero? Every hero has people they can't save. You've done so well, to have come this far. To have saved so many. UA prepared us to save people, but we have to learn by ourselves how to lose them."

Shotō nods slowly.

"Want some soba?"

He nods again, and I lead him to the living room. Grabbing the bowls from the kitchen, I set them on the coffee table and throw a blanket over the both of us.

Turning on an older Pixar movie, I snuggle close to him as we eat our soba.

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