🎃 Amajiki Tamaki x Reader

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(To make up for being late with the last one, this one is extra special! Somewhat a sequel to a very popular oneshot of mine 😁💕)

I poke his shoulder. "Tamaki, come on! You look so cute in your costume!"

"What if they make fun of me? What if I did this wrong? What if-"

"Tamaki, you look lovely," I rest my hand on his shoulder, hoping to coax him away from the wall. "I'm sure that everyone will love it!"

"You're sure?"

"Definitely, you look so cute as Geralt!" While his demeanor isn't quite evident of the Witcher character, he certainly looks the part in his costume. I kiss his cheek, inciting a rage of a blush, before picking up my instrument.

"You... You uh, look cute as Jaskier, too," I hear him mumble. I turn back, to see he has removed himself from the wall. I grin.

"Thank you, Tamaki. Let's go see our guests, I know they'll love to see you."

He nods, following me as we join our friends. Mirio and Nejire are definitely there, as well as my old roommate Oliver-- I've since moved in with Tamaki-- and some old underclassmen from UA.

I take the next dish of pasta salad out of the fridge and put it on the table, happy to see a plethora of treats and dishes have been brought. Tamaki finds Mirio and Nejire, and the three of them chatter about.

He looks so cute. It's hard to believe a couple years ago we had just met and fallen in love over our cooking. The silver wig falls over his flustered face.

Oliver nudges my side with his elbow. "You two look so cute together, your couples costumes are spot on."

"Thanks, Ollie," I nudge back. "How's the new roommate going?"

"They're ridiculous."

Tamaki edges back over to where I stand, arm linking in mine. I smile, looking around at the quietly bustling party.

"As the best people are," Mirio chimes in.

"True true."

"Hey Y/n, do you guys have any plans for the future?" Nejire joins the conversation.

Tamaki's arm tightens against mine. I catch his eye, and he nods.

"Uh, yeah... We actually have an announcement to make," I feel anxious, and lean into Tamaki for assurance. More people peer into the conversation, pretty much everyone could hear at this point. "We're engaged."



"That's rad."

The commotion quickly subsides. "Yeah, we were talking about it, and we really think we're ready to take this step."

Tamaki nods, his face bright. "Y... Yeah. Uh. I. I'm ready to marry them."

Nejire awes, and there's a round of congratulations. I nod, feeling my face burn as Tamaki tries to evaporate.

Now they know...

Now we have a wedding to plan!

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