Shoji Mezo x Reader

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I lay my blankets next to Shoji's, curling up next to him. His arms wrap around me. "Want to talk about it?"

I shake my head, snuggling closer. He agrees quietly, one hand rubbing my back slowly. "Will you sleep soon or do you want to talk about something else?"

"Story?" I mumble. My heart still races, and my breath is hard to come by. The tears had long since dried from my face.

"Once upon a time, there was an octopus," his soft voice fills the room, his fingers lightly scratching my back. "And he was the king of his ocean kingdom."

This happened often. My sneaking into Shoji's room after a nightmare. His voice lulling me to relax and even sleep. His door and arms were always unbarred for me.

"Or so he convinced himself, amongst the algae and pebbles he called a home."

He always makes me feel safe and warm.

"One day, he met a brilliant traveler, who brought light and warmth to his underwater realm. What once was cold and dark, began brimming with life."

I snuggle ever closer, smiling at his story.

"The octopus king was afraid. After being alone in the dark for so long, he was scared what would happen to his kingdom."

"But he fell in love with the traveler, and the light they brought to him. The colours he saw were scary, but beautiful. So he and the traveler talked and talked, and became good friends."

A second hand finds my hair, running through it gently.

"Then one day, the traveler tells the octopus king that they want to keep traveling, and see the world. The king was sad. Heartbroken. But the traveler looked so happy to explore."

I yawn quietly, relishing in how safe I feel in his arms. My eyes close.

"The traveler saw how sad the octopus king was, and so invited him along. The octopus king was scared. He had never parted from his kingdom before. So the traveler took his hand and gave him a smile."

I can feel myself slowly drifting, though his voice still plays through my ears.

"And he smiled back. And the two walked the world together, and explored while hand in hand. They lived happily, finding new kingdoms together."

The absence of his voice stirs me, and he begins another story.

"Once upon a time,"

I smile, being held in the arms and soothed by the voice of someone who makes me feel safe.

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