Ojirō Mashirao x Reader

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(Villain attack + saviour requested by Honeywish0710)

I clutch my hands together, my face beet red. The thoughts of what happened three days ago swim through my head.

My legs give out from under me as I look up. My eyes won't let me tear my gaze from the man leering down at me. I wonder briefly how my life is now-- is it okay to die now? There's so much I still want to do. But it's not like I have a choice.

My eyes won't even close, and give me the chance to have a moment of reflection. The man raises his arm, weapon attached as he swings down. Finally, my eyes close.

I shudder briefly, wondering what would have happened if my saviour had not shown up at that moment. My drink sits on the table. I'm far too early, I know.

My friend Mina, who is a pro hero now, claimed to know the hero who saved me, and without my permission, arranged a date. Against protest, she made me agree to it. Even with my best interests in her heart, it still makes me flush. A date?

I decide on an alibi.

Nothing happens. I take a peek, terror still holding me in place, as well as my hurt leg.

A strong tail had grabbed the weapon's base, the lithe figure in front of me beating the villain with ease. His muscles flex as he exchanges blows, obviously with the upper hand. Within no time, he turns to me, sweat clinging to his brow.

"Are you okay?" His kind smile focuses on me.

I look up in time to spot my hero entering the coffeeshop. He's in casual clothes, though he still looks nice.

His gaze meets mine immediately, and he sits down across from me. "Hello, I'm Ojirō."

"Hello Ojirō, I'm Y/n," I can't help the blush that encroaches upon my face. "Sorry if I'm pulling you away from something."

"Oh, no problem at all. Mina said you wanted to meet me," he rubs the back of his neck bashfully. "I don't have any other plans today, since I have the day off."

I nod, gathering my thoughts that had pretty much melted in his presence. Nightingale syndrome, I know. But, the only way to remedy it is to get through it. An old waitress brings him his tea, and he thanks Beatrice politely.

"I wanted to thank you for the other day," I voice hesitantly. "I know it's your job, but...." I meet his eyes. "Thank you."

His smile grows like spring wildflowers, a blush blooming in his face. "No, thank you- um, no- well- I uh..." He clears his throat, clearly at war with himself. "I'm doing work as a sidekick right now, and I don't have a big name for myself yet. This is the first time someone has thanked me like this," his face is still flushed, but his voice calms.

A smile had adorned my face at his stammering. "Well you should expect more, you make a wonderful hero, Ojirō."

He smiles back softly, "You think so?"

"I know so," I let my fingers brush his hand as give him the affirmative. My face turns five more shades of pink and I pull my hand away. "Sorry."

"It's okay," his pink face matches how mine feels. "I appreciate the sentiment. We should meet up again sometime. I don't have many friends outside of my graduating class."

"You want to?" I bite back my surprise.

He nods, averting his eyes. "If you do."

Words of agreement immediately spill from my lips. "I'd love to!"

A small squeal sounds from the table next to us. I look over. What was once a suspicious trenchcoat and hat was...

"Mina?!" Ojirō sputters.

"You were spying on us?"

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