Bakugō Katsuki x Hero! Reader

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"Get back!" I yell to the citizens. "It's dangerous here."

For the most part, they comply, their eyes wide like a trapped deer as they step away. I stand between them and the clawed villain. His claws slide against one another, the shrill, grating sound hurting my ears.

Blood already coated my hero outfit in places. His claws were sharp, sharper than I'd thought. They cut through my armour like it was warm butter.

Still. I stand firm between the villain and the citizens I've sworn to protect. If I die, they die. If I fail, they get hurt. And I can't let that happen.

I raise my fists, prepared to summon another thread of electricity. My quirk is Charge. By ionizing atoms my hands come in contact with, I can create rays of plasma in my hands, and if I touch someone, I can electrocute my opponent.

Only downside is I have to touch him, and his razorblade claws don't just stand in place.

His sneering face looms over me as he steps closer. I activate my quirk, fists crackling and sparking.

Just as he reaches his hand to strike, a large explosion blasts him to the ground.

A familiar figure holds the villain down by his throat. "Move and I'll blast you to hell," Ground Zero growls.

A bit relieved, I let out a sigh as the crowd cheers behind me.

I stiffen again as my fellow hero turns to me, his red eyes piercing. "You alright?"

My hand applying pressure to my most serious wound, I nod. "I'll be fine."

"Good, because we're going out for coffee tomorrow."

"We're what."

"You. Me. Coffee. Tomorrow. Do I have to spell it out for you?" He crawls off the villain as the police arrive, handing him over.

"You want coffee with me? Why?" I stammer, swaying on my feet a bit.

He doesn't answer, turning to the police officer to give his statement. The paramedics arrive, taking me away from the explosive hero.

As they fix me up, I can't help but wonder.

What in the world just happened?

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