💔 Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) x Reader

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(Songfic! Song is I Won't Get In, by 8 Graves. Check them out, they have a bunch of great music. Decided to do a bit of sad stuff, so here you go! Bold/Italicized is the song. TW Light mention of suicide. 💔 = Angst)

Oh lord forgive me
I've been a fool
I never realized until I met you
You were an angel
That much I know
I never thought I'd see the day
When you go


The first person I ever got hooked on in a good way.

The first time I met them, they were defending me against some mugging trash. I dismissed their help, but they proceeded.

Their head was smashed into a wall, but the guys left soon after.

I reprimanded them. They took it, then told me that they could feel what I felt.

I know you made me promise
I would find my way without you
But I lied
And while I'm being honest
I can't bring myself to
Say goodbye

I took them back with me, to my headquarters in the Yakuza. At first, I planned to relinquish them from their quirk.

When they woke up, I had used my quirk to fix their injuries.

They were grateful. Even though they knew who I was. What I've done. Not fazed a bit.

I had suddenly gained a companion.

But I would kill to see you smile
And you know I would die to hold you again
But you're on your way to heaven, baby
And I won't get in

I don't know how or why. They seemed drawn to me.

And the feeling was mutual. For months, we drew closer. Their quirk allowed them to sense whenever I was in a bad mood, and would come to help me.

They knew when I was to be left alone. When I felt overwhelmed by this disgusting world, they offered me a reprieve, taking over for me effortlessly.

I've been a sinner
I fought my war
I wish I coulda see this coming before
You'll stay an angel
That much I know
But I could never pay the debts that I owe

They were the most understanding person I've ever met.

Not a pushover. Not submissive, or blinded by compassion. Understanding. Open-minded.

Before I would allow them to touch me, they let me bathe them. Head to toe. I brushed their teeth. Made sure they were sanitized. They let me do it.

Then we would cuddle. I made sure to use soap that would cleanse them, but not override their scent. A smell like incense. Something that could never be anything but perfect.

They would give into my requests. Wearing long sleeves and pajama pants when I would allow them close to me. They never touched me without my permission. Never.

I know you made me promise
I would find my way without you
But I lied
And every day without you's
Just another day I
Wish I'd die

In this world, I've always known that good things will never last. A pair of clean gloves. A coat. The lives of people.

This world had dragged me down already.

They were always quick to be by my side. To comfort me when things didn't go my way. Give me a simple smile and make these dirty feelings fade.

But I would kill to see you smile
And you know I would die to hold you again
But you're on your way to heaven, baby
And I won't get in

Not even their blood felt dirty to me.

It covers my hands as I stare numbly at my fingers.

Chrono had pried me away from their body.

They had been shot in cold blood, by some idiot with a gun. I had deconstructed them a moment later, filled with hatred.

My one beautiful thing in this world had been taken from me. They had died in my arms.

Oh, I would kill to see you smile
And you know I would die to hold you again
But you're on your way to heaven, baby
And I won't get in

I would do anything to see them again. I would give up my aspirations. I would die.

But I know. They've always been a good person. Perfect in my eyes.

How could I ever get where they are?

I would destroy this world to hold them. I would deconstruct myself.

They were the only good thing in my dirty life. The only one who understood me.

I would die for them.

I can't even tell them how much they mean to me.

I never will.

I won't get in

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