Aoyama Yūga x Reader

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I shut the door quickly, peeling off my soaked clothes. The rainy season here was a serious hindrance.

My fiance groans, complaining about how his hair got wet. I frown sympathetically, promising him the first shower.

As he gets in the shower, I throw his towel into the dryer, and start some water for tea.

He's a bit of a princess, I'll admit. A little higher maintenance. But he's such a lovely person. He's attractive, and nice, when he's not in competition.

Yūga has taught me to focus on loving myself, after I had fallen so deeply in love with him. Some people view his confidence as narcissism, but I find it inspiring. He doesn't put himself down, and he seems so happy. I wish I could be so confident.

After about thirty minutes, he takes long showers, I hear the water shut off, and pull the towel out of the dryer. I hand it to him through the door, and he thanks me with a smile.

I take my own quick shower, and he warms my towel up for me too. I smile, drying myself off before putting some comfortable clothes on.

By the time I'm out of the bathroom, he's already poured our tea into cups and made mine how I like it. I take a seat on the couch. He joins me. I smile at him happily, and wrap my arm around him.

Sipping our tea, he finishes his and lays his head on my lap. Knowing what he's asking for, I run my fingers through his soft, silken hair.

I rub his scalp tenderly with my fingers, smoothing his practically golden hair. My fingers trace the soft skin of his neck. They mess his hair up, and fix it back again.

A sigh of contentment leaves him as he closes his eyes. Before I know it, he falls asleep.

I continue my treatment on his hair and skin, making sure to be gentle. Looking down at him lovingly as I drink my tea.

The gentle pitter-patter of rain against the window soon pulls me into sleep as well.

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