🎃 Naga! Shigaraki x Reader

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(I... I blame Salem Audio's and Parker Mae Audio's cute Naga asmr.)

"Get me down," The pale being growls from the net. His long, gray tail writhes. "I'll kill you!"

"How tempting," I mutter. "I was going to help you, but I'd rather not die, thanks."

I'd been traveling along the trail to the next village when I found a trapped naga. Rumour has it that they're proficient in certain areas of magic. So why not use it against the net to get down?

I turn on my heel. This must be a trap for travelers.

"Wait! Dammit-- just-- fine. Let me out and I'll let you live! Not that I should, trapping creatures is a crime against compassion-- and you're a clever one, using this material that cancels out my quirk-- but I won't kill you this time."

"I didn't set the trap, for the record." I face him again. That means someone will be back to collect him. I can't very well just walk away, and I know it.

"Whatever you say. Just get me out. Autumn is a touchy time for me."

Reaching the edge of the trap, I see the rope that holds him up. I take out my knife. "This might hurt when it drops you," I warn him.

I begin sawing at the rope, watching it tense further and further until it pops apart, launching him to sprawl on the ground. Immediately I stand up, knife in hand. Should I run before he gets ideas?

He writhes pitifully in the net, clawing at it and only tangling himself further. His growls and hisses fill the cold air.

With a sigh, I approach him. "Here, let me help."

"I've got it, I don't need you now, human!" His pale arm lashes out, claws reaching for me. It's a weak attempt, and he quickly stills. "Fine. Just do it."

Hesitantly, I kneel next to him and grab the net. He flinches when the knife nears him, and I can see bright red eyes glare as I cut through the rope. Bit by bit, I free him from the binds. He yanks back as soon as he's free, puffing up and watching me.

"You're done. I'm free now. You can leave."

Is he afraid of me? It's not a far jump to make, by his lashing tail and the fact that he probably doesn't see humans much.

I nod, folding my pocket knife. "Alright, get somewhere safely."

He raises an accusing finger. "You-- stop acting concerned!" It could almost be intimidating if he wasn't shuddering with every movement. His breath billows in the air.

"Alright, alright," I wave him off. "I'll leave now."

"Wait! I take it back, you can't leave. You're my prisoner now! A hostage!"

"... For what?" I bite back a laugh. How childish is this... Man? Is that a proper term? Either way.

"Humans are warm, aren't they? You're my heating unit now."

"I'm a what."

He slithers closer, and I cross my arms.

"I need your warmth. It's cold out here and I need heat."

I roll my eyes. Night is setting, I know, and I don't have a place to stay. Lying low is key to my survival, but...

"Yeah, no. I'm no one's prisoner," I look into his eyes, noting the fluffy-looking texture of his blue-gray hair. His face tenses. "But, I wouldn't mind having a place to stay for the night, and in return I'll provide whatever warmth I produce. Deal?"

His lips pull back in a grimace. "Defiance won't get you anywhere, human."



He crosses his arms, beckoning me to join him down the path. I follow after.

"My name is Y/n, by the way," I chide. "In case you were wondering."

"I wasn't," he growls.

I continue after him in silence. This probably isn't the best idea, but there's not a while lot of options. Another sweep of chilly wind picks up, making him stop to shiver.

"... Shigaraki," I hear him mumble. "That's my name."

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