🎃 Sato Rikido x Reader

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I let out a giggle as my boyfriend drops leaves over my head, watching them spin down with bright colours. The frigid air bites at my nose, but I've bundled up, and bury my face deeper in my scarf. I turn around, throwing leaves at him in return. He shakes his head with a laugh as he discards a leaf from his hair.

"Riki-chan! We should do a leave pile next," I suggest, hugging him to steal his warmth.

"Only if we can do leaf angels after," Satō counters, happily offering his heat in a hug. He always gives the best hugs.

"Deal!" He follows me as I take an armful of leaves, dropping them to make a pile. Rikido joins in growing the pile bigger and bigger, and soon we've made a huge pile of leaves.

"Do you wanna go first, sweet?" He kisses my forehead.

"You can," I kiss his cheek.

"Both of us?" Rikido takes my hand, his smile making my heart melt.

"Okay, Riki-chan," I run with him and we launch ourselves into the pile. Laughs and leaves fill the air as we collide with the ground.

His laughs are like music to me as he spreads his arms out, moving the leaves to make an angel. I follow suit, and he soon stands up, offering his hand to me. We admire our work, and he wraps an arm around me.

"They're perfect," I declare. "Ten out of ten leaf angels."

"Yours is cuter," he kisses my cheek. "And your face is freezing."

"Debatable, and yeah it's getting a little more chilly outside."

"Let's get inside and warm up for a bit, then we can come back out, okay my little macaroon?"

I hum in agreement, gushing over his sweet affections. We head inside, the smell of the leaves clinging to us.

Autumn is a great time, especially when there's someone beside you to enjoy it with.

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