Dragon!Kirishima x Reader

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I barely hear the thud of my helmet hit the floor.

"Your Highness?" The knight gasps. His surprise is short lived as the dragon sweeps his tail through once more, knocking the knight onto his back, and sending me sprawling.

The dragon lets out a scream, his skin and hard as rock, the weapons deflecting off of him easily.

"You shouldn't be here!" The knight calls out, his armour tarnished from the beast's rough skin.

"I wanted to defend my brother."

"You should-" the knight is cut off as a soldier flies through the air.

I squirm, pulling myself to my feet slowly. The dragon, having taken the others to their posteriors, turns to face me, his dagger teeth bared.

My sword raises, shaking. The bodies beside me groan and hiss in pain.

His slitted eyes bore into me, tracing up and down. They meet my own, and dilate.

Before I know it, I'm thrashing in his claws as he lifts me away; the countryside zooms beneath me.

Bile crawls up my throat and I squeeze my eyes shut, deciding not to struggle anymore. Instead, I cling to the smooth, scaly claws around me. The world seems to sway. Then I lose consciousness.

--- ---

"Hey," a whisper reaches my ears, sharp against my pounding headache. I groan.

"Five more minutes," I turn over, a little miffed at the uncomfortable mattress.

Uncomfortable mattress.

This isn't my bed.

I snap my eyes open, successfully falling off whatever surface I was on.

The pile of gold, rocks, and trinkets is unforgiving, leaving me sprawled onto the floor with a gasp.

"Sorry if I scared you. Are you okay?" A voice calls out, the pile clinking. Soon, he's next to me. Hesitantly, I sit up and turn my eyes to him. I can't find breath in my lungs.

His red eyes were warm and curious, his head tilted to the side. His hair matched his eyes, vibrant and interesting. His face was drawn into concern.

I nod silently, remembering his question. He sighs, seemingly in relief. "That's good to hear." His pale lips curl into a smile, revealing sharp teeth.

This jolts me into reality. "You're... You're the-" I only just notice the horns sprouted on his head amongst the spikes of hair.

"Dragon." His clawed hand rubs the back of his neck, his eyes averted. "Sorry for kidnapping you."

I frown. "If you're sorry, then why did you?"

"You were pretty," he grins sheepishly. "Still are, but then I remembered you probably won't stay."

Pretty? I look around at the gold coins and souvenirs.

He looks back at what I was peering at. "Oh, yeah, this is my hoard. Pretty things everywhere. OH! Look at this rock!"

He snatches a rock from the pile. Not a gemstone, or anything special. A rock.

I look at it, not sure what he means.

"Isn't it pretty? Look, it has little sparkles." He holds it out into the light, and sure enough, it catches the light in a beautiful shimmer.

"It is," I agree, smiling slightly. He's like a little kid.

"Ooh! And this one!" He grabs another, and another after that, showing each of them to me, as if for approval. I agree with each one, feeling a strange smile work its way into my face.

"Man, I wish you could stay forever," he smiles widely. "I'd bring you all the pretty rocks in the world."

I smile, ignoring the warmth that spreads across my face. "Maybe I'll visit."

"If you did," the dragon's face grows solemn, "I know that I shouldn't steal from your kingdom anymore. Since it wouldn't be nice to you," his thumbs twiddle. "But that would be okay, if you came by sometimes. Because you're prettier than the gold I get."

I nod, trying desperately not to break out in a red blush. "Thank you."

"My name is Kirishima Eijirō. You can call me Ei," his own face turns pink.

"Mine is L/n Y/n."

"You're royalty?" He gasps. "I guess I should get you back, your kingdom might get worried."

I nod. "I promise to visit, if you come to pick me up."

"Of course!" He claps his hands together excitedly. "I'll collect more rocks for you!"

I laugh, "I'll look forward to them."

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