Dragon!Kirishima x DragonSlayer! Reader

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(This is a Fantasy AU! Dragon! Kirishima x Dragon Slayer! Reader. I'm not very familiar with the fantasy AU so here we go.)

I ready my sword, preparing myself for this fight. The bounty is only a small pile of gold pieces, but winter will be here soon. The odd jobs I've picked up aren't enough, so I figure it's a good time to start bounty hunting for something a little bigger than forest game.

This particular dragon hasn't done anything too flashy- once in a while he likes to collect things (or people), but he usually gives back anything living. It's a wonder he hasn't been killed already.

I take a deep, silent breath, hearing the light snores from the cavern around the edge of the wall. Keeping my feet light, I creep around the corner, pausing when I finally spot the dragon.

He was in his form that gives him his name, though I know, like most dragons, he can shift to a more humanoid form. That's what makes them even more dangerous.

His large, leathery wings wrap around his scaly body, his red and black skin offset by the pile of gold and shiny objects that make his bed.

I stare in awe at how beautiful he is. Even with the scars and scales, he is ethereal. Even his eyes sparkle like rubies.

Wait. His eyes.

My own widen, and I'm frozen. I yell at my feet to move. At my hands, to raise my sword. Instead, I stay still. Instead, my sword drops from my fingertips.

The dragon steps forward, sliding off the pile. His large, clawed feet draw closer, meticulously placed. Until he trips, sprawling out onto the cave floor.

I can't help but suppress a small laugh.

"Sorry!" He exclaims, his voice booming. "That wasn't very cool." The dragon rolls to his feet. He looms over me, wings drawn in to his sides.

I shake my head, no sound coming out. Still in awe of his celestial beauty, I can conjure up no words.

"Are you here to kill me? Surely you don't want to do that," he tilts his head, almost like a little kid. His eyes are wide and filled with sadness. Loneliness.

Immediately I agree with him. Why kill something so amazing? "No. Sorry," I turn on my heel, realizing why no one has killed him yet.

"Wait! Please don't leave yet! We should have tea or something. Someone who looks as brilliant as you should be admired." I hear a different voice, much more... Human. It was higher pitched, but still strong and clear.

I swallow, turning back around to find him pulling a robe over his now-humanlike body. He still bore leathery wings and a tail, and his hands were clawed. Horns poked out on his head, much smaller in this form.

He gestures to a table. "Come on, please?"

--- ---

"Careful, It's a little warm!" He smiles, flashing his small fangs.

"Thanks," I mumble. I blow on the hot tea, eyes trained on him. He just drinks the boiling tea, not bothered.

"No problem! It's so rare I get company up here, most people are afraid of dragons. But you're not afraid."

"No, I'm not." It's true. At first, he was scary. But now that we've been talking, he's less like a scary dragon and more like a scaly puppy dog. He beams at me, tail almost wagging.

"You came here to kill me, to get gold, right?"

I nod, looking down at my tea.

"That's alright. We all have our flaws," He pours himself more tea. "Besides, you seemed to give up the idea as soon as you came in. Was it because you think I'm cute in my dragon form?" Kirishima wiggles his eyebrows.

I laugh a little at that, relaxing enough to take a sip of the tea. It was rather sweet, since he kept adding sugar to it. "I thought you looked magical."

"I am!" He nods. "Oh, but what about now? Do I look magical now?" His red eyes plead to mine.

"Um- I... Yep!" I take another sip, averting my eyes. He's just so adorable.

He claps his hands together, practically jumping in his chair. "We should have tea together more often! We could be best friends."

"Yeah, that'd be nice," I feel my face heat up. "I wouldn't mind being friends."

"Then it's settled. We're best friends now."

"I guess we are," I laugh, agreeing.

Though my intentions were ill in the beginning, coming here was the best idea I had in a long time.

The dragon keeps talking happily, and I feel his optimisim wash over me. Best friends with a dragon? Count me in.

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