🏳️‍🌈 Bisexual: Kirishima x Reader

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"Get over here, lovey," Kirishima Eijirō holds out his arms. I comply, laying down next to him on the couch. "Today was pretty stressful, I think we both need cuddle time."

I nod, wrapping my arms around Eijirō as he does the same for me. The TV plays, but neither of us really are paying attention.

His hand brushes through my hair, which is still wet from my shower. Eijirō's hair hangs down, not spiked up with hair gel at the moment. It's soft under my fingertips, still damp from his own shower.

Today was rough. Eijirō had to stay late at work after a big villain gang bust, and I fell off a ladder. Luckily, I caught myself before hitting my head, but it still shook me up.

"You okay, my love?" My boyfriend's soft voice curls in my ears.

"Yeah, just need more cuddles. I'll be fine," I snuggle closer into his warmth. He's the best cuddler ever.

We watch the commercials in silence-- because, let's be honest, they have more air time than the show.

"She's really pretty," I mumble at a particularly beautiful woman in a lipstick commercial.

"God yes she is," Eijirō agrees. "Her eyes are so green. And her hair is so long."

I laugh, "We're both such bi disasters, Ei."

"That's true," Eijirō laughs with me, kissing my forehead tenderly. "I love you, though. More than anything in the world," he squeezes me tight.

"I love you, too, Ei-chan. To the stars and back," I kiss his cheek, and he steals my lips into a kiss.

"Do we have any ice cream mochi left, Ei?"

"I think we ate the rest of it last night."

"Darn. We'll have to get more when we go to the store tomorrow."

"Alright, but we have to be the cutest couple at the store," Eijirō exposes his sharp teeth in a cute grin.

"That's easy when I'm with you, Ei. You double as manly and cute."

"Likewise, my love," he rubs his nose against mine. "You complement me. Make me feel like I'm on top of the world," he stares into my eyes.

I giggle, "You dork."

"I'm your dork," his smile lights up further.

I shake my head. "You right."

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