Scenarios: Boys x Pregnant! Female! Reader

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🥦 Midoriya Izuku 🥦:

"You-" Izuku mutters to himself, seemingly. "You're."

"Yes, Izu." I smile calmly. "I'm pregnant."

"And I'm-" His green eyes were wide, mouth agape as he stares at my stomach. Which is holding his child.

"Yes, you're going to be a father," I hold his hands in mine. "And we're going to have a child. You and me."

Finally it hits home. "I'm going to be a father," his face softens. "We're going to have a baby!" His lips leap into a huge smile. "Oh man I can't wait to tell everybody! I'm going to be a father!" He sweeps me up in his strong arms, laughing and repeating himself.

🔥 Todoroki Shotō ❄️:

"Shotō?" I ask worriedly, eyeing his catatonic state. "Earth to Shotō." He just sits at the table across from me.

Tears prick at his eyes and his hand clenches. I can spot the terror in his eyes. My stomach churns. Is he unhappy with my being pregnant?

"What if..." He stares at his hands. "What if I'm not a good father?"

Immediately I understand. After years, he'd finally just started getting past the abuse he'd met in his childhood. Having a child of his own would probably bring those questions to the surface.

"Shotō," I scoot closer to him, brushing the hair out of his eyes. "The past six years have been the best of my life. I know you feel like this is scary, it's scary for me too. But I know you'll be an excellent father. And we can learn together," I meet his eyes, smiling. "You're nothing like him."

His mismatched eyes soften. "We're pregnant," Shotō's lips curl into a small smile.

💥 Bakugō Katsuki 💥:

A clatter sounds from the bathroom, probably the test falling from his hands, and I freeze. Katsuki slowly steps out, red eyes wide.

"Positive," he mumbles quietly. Katsuki steps closer to me, his hands shaking. I take a breath, watching him step closer. "It's positive."

I squeak whenever he wraps his arms around me, lifting me up and spinning me around. "You're pregnant!" His eyes sparkle as he grins. "You're going to have a baby!"

A smile creeps onto my face as he sets me down, his forehead on mine. "We're going to have a baby," I correct him.

"I'm going to be a father," his eyes close, the smile never leaving his face. "And it's going to be the best child in the entire world."

🥋 Ojirō Mashirao 🥋:

He brings me a glass of water, his hands shaky and sweating. His usually calm demeanor was shaken.

I was hunched over the toilet, puking up everything I had.

"Are you... Alright?" He asks hesitantly. If it were anyone else I would have glared at them. A groan from me makes him shut his mouth.

His hand rubs my back gently. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," I croak out.

"It kind of is," he reminds me, his other hand on my stomach.

I had just taken the pregnancy test, and found out that I was positive. I shake my head. "I'm just... Nervous."

"Me too," he holds me close in comfort, though I can feel the subtle wagging of his tail.

"We're going to be parents," I breathe out.

"And we'll be the best parents," he kisses my forehead.

🦈 Kirishima Eijiro 🦈:

"What does it say?" He asks, his head resting on my shoulder as his arms wrap around my waist.

"Nothing yet," I laugh. "A couple more minutes before we can check it."

Eijirō whines in my ear. "But I want to know," he pouts, rubbing my stomach gently.

"Just be glad I let you know I was taking the test," I hum to him, snuggling close.

"Well it would explain your symptoms," he suggests, his voice hopeful. While we hadn't been actively trying, he was eager to accept the fact that I might be pregnant.

"It should be about time now," I muse. Immediately he snatches up the test, letting both of us take a look.


👓 Tenya Iida 👓:

"You must lay down immediately!" He exclaims. "Lay down, here," he pushes me gently to the couch.

"I need to call the doctor," he searches frantically for his phone.

"Tenya," I laugh. "It's not coming right now."

"I know, but we need to be prepared- we need to create a system for this- I'll have to get ahold of the Midoriyas-"

"We can tell them later about being godparents," I soothe. "And we can call the doctor later. Just enjoy this moment with me, please?"

Tenya pauses, contemplating. "I suppose your telling me is enough for one day, we wouldn't want you to strain yourself," he sits down beside me, tenderly letting his hands brush my stomach.

"I'm just so excited."

🐈 Hitoshi Shinsō 🐈:

"What did you say," his eyes go wide.

"The four of us," I rest my hand on my stomach. "You, me, Cat Might, and this."

"This," he repeats, resting his hand atop mine. "You mean-"

"Remember a few weeks ago?"

He begins to smile, face turning pink. "Yeah."

"Well, I took a test earlier, and it came out positive," I kiss his nose. Hitoshi buries his face in my neck.

"I'm going to be a father!"

🦑 Amajiki Tamaki 🦑:


Amajiki Tamaki has stopped working.

He can't even bring himself to turn and face the wall. His eyes stare at my stomach like it might explode.

"Tamaki. You alright?"

"A baby." His lip quivers.

"Yes, Tamaki. A baby."

"How...? When...?"

"Pretty sure you were there, sweetheart," I smile, looping my arms around his neck.

"A baby."

🍜 Dabi 🍜:

"Wait you're serious?" He stops laughing, his blue eyes suddenly wide.

"As serious as a heartbeat, Dabi." I cross my arms.

"A heartbeat? You're that far along?" His voice gets soft.

"Yes," I affirm.

"And it's definitely mine?"

"Seeing as to how you're the only person I've slept with," I roll my eyes, "yes, Dabi."

"... Guess I have a new name, then."

"What?" Confusion strikes me.


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