SMIH! Iida Tenya

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"Whatever you say, Baka-gō!" I laugh, watching as he uses his quirk, in retaliation to the nickname I gave him. Hey, it's only fair, right? Right.

"Say that again," He yells angrily, sending curses at me.

"Hey!" Mina shoves a bag in my face. "Your turn!"

With a huff, I reach my hand in the bag, ignoring Bakugō's yelling at me. Something pricks my finger, and I wince, avoiding it. I grab something with a handle, pulling it from the bag.

A potato peeler? Why a potato peeler?

Iida holds up a hand. "That would be mine."

Mina squeals, jumping up and down. "In the closet, you two!" She grabs Iida's hand, practically dragging him as he protests about the ethics of this game.

I set the potato peeler down, and follow after them, knowing there is no escaping Mina. If I didn't go of my own volition, she would do anything in her power to move me.

She giggles, pushing him into the closet, and locking the door after I enter.

Iida huffs, crossing his arms. He's barely visible in the dark, but I can make out his outline faintly. His glasses reflect some of the golden light through the crack in the door.

"Sorry you're stuck with me, Iida," I smile softly.

"It's quite alright. It's not your fault, we were all wrapped up in this."

I hum in agreement. "So, how are you doing in the new classes?"

He immediately launches into how much homework we've been getting, and how we need to study twice as hard.

"I agree," I sigh. "I'm already behind in English."

"We should begin a group study session!" Iida exclaims. "We are all in this together, after all. As class representative, it is my duty to make sure we are all performing at our best."

Amused, I agree quietly. "That would be great. I know a few people are falling behind, aside from myself."

Before he can reply once more, the door opens.

"What? Nothing happened? How boring," Mina pouts.

Iida leads me out of the closet, talking about the study group. I watch him, sighing at how inspired he was.

Truly an infectious personality. I can't wait to study with him.

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