Iida Tenya x Male!Reader

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"Marry me."

It was less of a question. More of a desperate whisper from the man before me.


Tenya's grip on my arm loosens, sliding down to hold my hand. He takes my other hand, holding them like I was going to leave.

And I was trying to.

"Marry me. They can't break us apart. If we're married, they can't touch us." His voice draws me closer. "There's a courthouse not far from here."

I stare into his eyes. They're shining with passion. Biting my lip, I tear my gaze away. "W-we can't. What will people say? What will our families say?"

"They don't matter. What matters is you and me and our love. I love you with all my heart. With everything I am." He rests his forehead against mine. "Please."

I look back into his eyes. I know I love him. I love him so much my chest hurts. I give in.

"Okay," I give him a shaky smile. "Okay. Can we get coffee first?"

"Of course. And then we can go to the store and get rings. I want this to be as perfect as we can make it. All us, on our own. We don't need them."

I nod, tears brimming in my eyes. Tenya wipes them away, kissing my forehead.

He takes me to the bus stop, holding my hand as we wait. It's late at night, and a little cold. It would be hours until the courthouse was open.

The bus comes, and we get on. Our ride was silent, but inside my heart was pounding.

Eloping was never really what I wanted. And this wasn't the way I wanted to be proposed to. It was all different from how I'd ever imagined.

The man I love, if he was given the chance, would have fulfilled all of my little dreams, I'm sure. But my parents had found out about us, and disowned me. And his wouldn't react any better.

We've been together for three years. All of it has been a dream. A miracle. At first, he was uncertain, and so was I. But we could never deny how we felt.

I feel him squeeze my hand. He's obviously losing what confidence he had before. I squeeze his hand back. "I love you," I whisper.

He smiles back appreciatively. "I love you too, my sweetheart."

My favourite petname. I feel the tears begin to return, but ignore them. I lean my head onto his shoulder.

We get off at our stop, walking into our favourite coffee shop. The barista sits us down and takes our orders.

I reach across the table, holding Tenya's hands in mine. "You're my everything."

"And you are mine." He smiles, looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry that today isn't how you wanted it to be."

He remembered. I shake my head. "It's perfect. You're perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more."

The barista brings us our drinks and pastries. We exchange drinks, him making faces when he tastes mine. I laugh, fixing his glasses for him.

We talk and laugh for a couple hours, completely enamoured.

Finding our way down the street to the general store, we piddle around the food and book sections before finding the jewelry aisle.

I look at the simple silver rings before he guides me over to one that caught my eye. It was black, with silver lines through it. It's beautiful.

"We could get two of those. We have similar tastes, after all." He whispers in my ear.

I nod, leaning back into him. Tenya calls the clerk over, and soon we are sized and have two rings.

We go outside, and he leaves me for a moment, going back in to buy something that he wouldn't show me.

He carries the rings with his bags, despite my protests. "We have plenty of time, I want to do this."

Tenya leads me to the park, holding my hand as he takes me to a secluded bench.

I sit, and he tells me to close my eyes. I comply, making sure not to peek.


I look, finding a lovely man down on one knee. He holds the open box in one hand, and a simple, fake red rose in the other.

"I don't believe I asked properly earlier," Tenya clears his throat, addressing me by my full name, "this rose will never wither, as also my love for you will never wither. Despite any hardships we may face, I wish to face them as your friend, and as your lover. Will you honour me by becoming my husband?"

"Yes. Oh, yes, yes. As many times as you ask, the answer is always yes." I gush, tears running down my face. My red face can't have been attractive, but he pulls me into a tight hug. I cry into his arms, repeating the word 'yes' over and over.

Tenya pulls away, slipping the ring onto my finger. He gives me the other box.

"Tenya Iida," I clear my throat, still emotional. "I have loved you since you first came into my life. You've always been there for me, and I want to always be by your side. Please, love me with all your heart and I'll love you with all of mine. Marry me?" I look into his eyes, watching as his smile widens.

"Yes. My sweetheart," Tenya lets me slip the ring onto his hand, then pulls me close once more. He kisses my forehead, then my lips.

"I love you, my everything."

"I love you too, my forever."

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