Bakugō x Chubby!Trans Male!Reader

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(This is a request for a Bakugō x Chubby!Trans Male!Reader with a force field quirk. The person who requested wishes to remain anonymous. The first part is a little sad so if you want to go to the time skip, go ahead)

(Warning!! Body Dysphoria is heavily mentioned in this chapter. Unsafe binding practices are also presented in this chapter. Please bind responsibly. For more information, message my private inbox. Unsafe binding can hurt your ribs permanently and PREVENT YOUR TOP SURGERY.)

I rub my tired eyes, yawning. Getting up at the crack of dawn is not my cup of tea.

"The provisional licensing exams are only days away. You must work harder if you wish to pass," Aizawa unzips his sleeping bag. "Now get to training."

Yawning again, I'm pitted against one of Ectoplasm's clones.

Training lasts for hours on end, relentlessly barraging each of us with clones.

I take out each of them with my quirk, which is Force Field.

*Author-san pretends to be Present Mic*

Force Field: The user can create impenetrable force fields when he claps his hands, around any person he chooses! The only drawback is the force fields only last for twenty seconds, and recreating the force fields for anywhere over five minutes can cause horrible migraines!

Taking another break, I sip on my water. My chest hurts. It's hard to breathe. I make my way to the mens' restroom, looking around before entering.

I hide in the stall, taking off my shirt. Is my ace bandage too tight? My chest still doesn't look flat. And my stomach is bulging. I can't even train like this.

Before I know it, tears slip down my face. I wipe them away, but they become relentless. I sob, my breath coming out harshly.

"Hello?" A gruff voice calls, after the restroom door opens.

My breath catches.

"Hey, I know there's someone in here, I can hear you."

I recognize that voice. I can't bring myself to let Bakugō see me cry. To let him see how weak I am.

"Sorry, Bakugō," I clear my throat. "I was just- I have a cold."

"Bull." Bakugō slams his hand against the stall door. I jump, my heart beating. "Come on out, I can hear you crying."

My hands shake frantically as I pull my shirt back over my head, and open the stall door. I wipe my tears, not meeting his piercing gaze. By this point, I'm hyperventilating, my breathing shallow and painful.

"Hey, are you alright?" Bakugō asks reluctantly. He reaches out a hand, resting it on my shoulder. All I can do is shake my head, pulling at the bandages. I can't breathe- I can't think.

Spots dance in my vision, and all I can see is black.

--- ---

My eyes flutter open, and all I can see is dark outlines in the room. Light floods in from behind the curtains, showing that it is still day outside.

The smell of antiseptic fills my nostrils, and I recognize the room as Recovery Girl's.

I try to sit up, only to feel a weight shift on top of my stomach. With a gasp, I find a sleeping Bakugō.

The door opens quietly. "He hasn't left since he brought you here," Recovery Girl smiles. "You should have seen how worried he was."

"He was worried?" I ask in disbelief.

"Most definitely," she nods. "Now, we need to talk. You shouldn't bind like that, ace bandages can damage your skin and ribs. And binding during exercise is also harmful."

I bite my lip.

"I'll make sure this idiot knows that," Bakugō grumbles, sitting up. He rubs his eyes, watching as Recovery Girl nods and leaves the room.

His piercing red eyes meet mine. "Idiot. Making everyone worry like that."

"Sorry Baku-"

"I'm not done," Bakugō glares. "You haven't been taking care of yourself. Everyone is giving their all here. There's no room for someone who damages their body. You need to start binding like a proper man, not with tape and bandages."

He stands up. "We're going to the mall after training today. Get up, we have work to do."

I gape at him. There's so many things I want to ask. "Why-"

"Shut up."

I stumble to my feet. "But Bakugō-"

"Shut up," He repeats, walking out the door. "Let's go, before I change my mind."

"But why are you doing this?" I follow him out.

"Because I want you at your best. We have to show those villains who they're messing with," his eyes meet mine once more, glinting with determination. "And once we both pass this stupid test, I'm going to take you out on a date."

I stop in my tracks. "On a what-"

"A date, damnit." He crosses his arms.

Nodding slowly, I take a deep breath. He wants to date me? I gulp, unable to contain myself. Flinging my arms around his waist, I grin up at him.

"Calm down, you-" he swears, averting his gaze. His hands rest on my shoulders lightly, and I watch a pink tint fill his face.

"Thank you, Bakugō." I kiss his cheek.

He stays quiet, his face continuing to turn red. "Yeah, whatever. Let's go."

Wiping the tears that had pricked my eyes, I agree. "Of course."

He walks away, and I follow.

"Oh, and..." He glances over, "you're welcome."

(Eventually he doesn't get his license so you take him on a date instead!)

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