🌲 5th Fic of Christmas

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(I just want to start this by saying this does not coincide with the BNHA timeline. Also I DO NOT condone smoking, underage or otherwise, though it is present in this chapter. You decide who the end is about!)

For the fifth fic of Christmas, Author-san gave to you,

An Awkward Mistletoe Kiss,
Three Hot Cocoas,
A Secret Santa Gift,
And A Cute Little Christmas Date!
--- ---

I stretch, trying to regain feeling in my bones. It was freezing in the new hideout, and snowflakes were falling outside. A thick layer had already coated the forest floor, blanketing everything in white.

Stepping outside for a smoke, I walk to where Dabi is already lighting up a cigarette. I hold mine out, and he lights it with his quirk.

Taking a puff, I pull my jacket closer. "It's freezing," I huff.

Dabi agrees quietly, taking a long drag.

The silence of winter is punctured by the sound of arguing. Twice and Toga round the corner, pushing at each other like children.

"I called it first!" Toga whines.

"No I did- You can have it- IT'S MINE," Twice argues with both Toga and himself.

Immediately their bickering is stopped whenever a snowball hits Twice directly in the face.

"Will you two shut up?" Dabi dusts the snow off his hands, shooting me a smug look.

I return it, before a snowball hits the cigarette out of my hand. Whipping around, I'm met with Toga's guilty face.

"Sorry! I meant to hit Dabi," she rubs the back of her head.

I ball up some snow, eyes narrowing. "Is that so?"

She squeals, running away, but not before I hit her square in the back of the head.

"It's on! Please don't hit me- BRING IT ON!" Twice claps his hands together.

And that's how we got here. Dabi throws a snowball from beside me, hitting the handyman in his pale hair, almost knocking the hand off his face.

Kurogiri and Shigaraki had joined not long after we had started, as well as the other members of the League.

I yeet a snowball at Kurogiri, but he opens a warp gate, the snowball hitting me in the back of the head.

I jump, hiding behind the tree Dabi and I had taken refuge behind. A snowball, launched by Spinner, flies past, hitting the ground behind me.

Toga runs around the tree, immediately being taken out by Dabi and a rather icy snowball to the face.

I high-five him, pelting Mr. Compress in the face before he can use his quirk.

Everyone is laughing and screaming and having a good time, and soon we're all too freezing, besides Dabi, to continue. We slink inside, and Dabi makes a fire for us to sit around.

Something cold slides down my shirt, and I jump up, removing the ice from my shirt. "You little-"

Twice laughs as I chase him around the circle, then screams whenever I attack him, taking an icicle and shoving it down the front of his shirt.

Everyone laughs, setting down. Villains, definitely. But amazing to be around at times like this.

The snow falls thicker than before, but we're all warm here. Looking around, I can tell this is my calling. I fall asleep by the fire, not waking up when someone places a blanket over me and cuddles up close.

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