💔Todoroki Shotō x Female!Reader

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(💔=Angst! I'm having a bit of an overload so I've taken a small break from writing, but here's an update! This one has a few time skips. TW: SIDS, Death.)

A vacant expression is pressed onto Shotō's face. "You're... What?"

"I'm pregnant, Shotō," a nervous smile works onto my lips. "I'm going to have a baby."

The vacancy continues, worry weighing on his face and shoulders. "I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes, Shotō." I scoot closer to him on the couch. "You're going to be the best father," I reach my hand out to caress his face gently.

"You think I will?" He swallows hard. "You don't think I'll be... Like he was?"

"Shotō," I kiss his nose as he leans into my hand. "You married me because we loved one another. You were so nervous when you asked me out that you had to have Deku and Iida to help you. You have loved me every day since, and have shown me more love and affection than I have ever imagined to experience. This child is a product of our love," his eyes finally meet mine, hanging onto every word. "And you are nothing like he was."

"I love you," Shotō whispers, his arms pulling me closer into his warmth. "I'm nervous, but I'm going to work hard to be the father I never had."

I hum quietly, my arms wrapping around his neck. "And you'll be perfect."

--- ---

"Oh, Shotō! Y/n! Oh, I'm so happy for both of you!"

Tears fill Rei's gray eyes as she wraps the both of us in a hug. "This is so lovely," She sobs in a gentle voice.

Shotō has a smile permanently pulling at his lips as he hugs her back. At first, when he found out, he was so terrified. But now, his eyes shine.

We had already told Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Enji about the news, and now his mother was hearing it for herself.

"I'm so proud of the man you've become, Shotō."

--- ---

I hum, moving away from the can, closer to Fuyumi, Shotō on my other side. The nursery is a gentle minty green, since we don't know the sex of our baby. The little bugger had the cord between it's legs, so we have to wait to find out.

"Like this?" Enji asks begrudgingly. He's the tallest of the group, reaching the ceiling with ease. I squint, making sure the edge is proper. I smile, nodding. He nods back.

He's still a jerkwad and has a long way to go, but he has been trying even harder ever since he found out about our pregnancy.

Shotō kisses my forehead. "You should go out for a moment, the paint isn't good for you." I smile, kissing his cheek in return.

"Alright, you cute AC unit."

--- ---

"You- You what?!" Shotō gapes, the peanut butter and cheese sandwich I had requested leaving his hands and landing on the floor.

"My water broke," I groan, "I'm going into labour."

Immediately he begins stuttering, "I have to call the hospital! Or an ambulance- maybe Iida can can take you, his quirk could get you there-" his hands grab at his hair, his breath coming quickly.

"Shotō, drive me to the hospital, please."

"Right!" He nods, recomposing himself.

--- ---

"You want to hold him, Shotō?" I smile at him. His soft eyes glisten as he looks at me.

"I don't want to do it wrong," Shotō's breathy voice admits.

The two of us had just gotten home from the hospital, and he's been doting on me ever since I was in my 5th month. Now he's even gentler, his hands always close in case I need him. He lingers beside me, though he hasn't held his son yet.

"Here, hold him like this," I set Adohira in his arms, molding his hand to cradle the small bundle's head. The child is silent, letting out a small breath.

A droplet lands on my hand, and I snap my gaze to my husband. "Shotō?"

His eyes seem to boil over with tears as he sobs, holding his son tenderly. "I'm... happy," Shotō states quietly, obviously trying to stifle himself.

I kiss his forehead.

"Me too, my love."

--- ---

I stir from the pull of sleep, a jarring silence filling my very soul.

It's been months since we brought Adohira home from the hospital. He usually is hungry by this time. I can feel that something is wrong. Something is wrong.

"Shotō," I shake the man beside me. "Shotō," I shake him again, hearing him groan. Sitting up, I slide out of bed quickly, my thumping heart the only thing I can hear.

Reaching the nursery door, I already know.

--- ---


"Y/n, please, you need to eat something."

"Y/n... I'm here for you."

All I can do is lay in bed, wound up in the sheets and staring at the pillows in front of me.


Why does the universe hate me?

What have I done to deserve this?

He was healthy. A healthy baby boy.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

There's a dip in the bed behind me as Shotō crawls in. I curl into the sheets more, feeling his arms wrap around me. He clings tightly, and I remember that he's feeling the same things right now. Even though he's hurt, he's been trying to take care of me.

A whimper escapes my lips as I turn to him, and his own voice joins in as sobs, the both of us falling apart in each other's arms.

We're not okay. We won't be for a long time. But, we're together for the worst of it.

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