🏳️‍🌈 GNC: Aoyama x Reader

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(GNC= Gender Non-Conforming)

I adjust the fragile flower crown on Yūga's blond locks, keeping my touch delicate.

Half an hour before now, my fiance and I had picked flowers at the park and made flower crowns. Now, we're at our favourite local coffeeshop.

I fix it, making the most beautiful, porcelain white and pastel pink flowers more visible. The flowers contrast the light green stems, but a green bracelet on his wrist ties it all in beautifully. My own flower crown perches on my head, oranges and yellows and the same white as his.

Leaning back, I admire the coffeeshop lighting and his background. "I think this is good for our insta shoot."

"Okay," he gives a dazzling smile. I take out my phone, and he poses. Coy, then cute, then raising his cup to his pink lips. His eyeliner is perfect, the eyeshadow complementing the flowers on his crown. The light pink blouse he wears drapes on his shoulders, exposing his collarbones and neck in a feminine way. A sparkly necklace glitters on his neck.

A perfect model already, my fiance gives me an aura of someone ethereal.

"Alright, princess," I finish, happy with the multitude of pictures I have. "I think we can go through later to pick out our favourites." I smile, setting my phone down.

"Hmm now it's tea time!" Yūga claps his hands together, grinning. It's not often we get time together to do things like this, what with his hero work, so soft things like this are rare.

I take my hand in his, kissing his knuckles. "Of course, love." His sparkling pink fingertips curl into my hand as he smiles.

"You're so lovely, mi amour."

"And you're stunning, min kjære."

"What are we to do after this, love?" Yūga takes a sip of his tea.

"I think we're running low on groceries for this week, we could go shopping."

"That would be nice to do together for once," Yūga agrees. "It's been a while since I've done these domestic things with you."

"Then let's finish up here and get groceries, and then maybe we can get some crepes on the way home."

"Sounds lovely, your highness."

"A good plan, I think, your majesty."

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