Dabi x Non-Binary!Reader

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(A request for a Dabi x Non-binary Reader with a reptile quirk! Requested by starryxxsky)

Dabi glimpses over at them, assessing the bounty hunter that was working with the League.

The enby had introduced themself as Y/n, a rather strange name; though it fit them. Their skin was covered in green scales, a long, thin tail curling behind them. A lot like Spinner, but not quite.

It's been a month since Y/n started to work with the League.

"Oh hey, Toga," Y/n grins at the blonde, pulling her into a half-hug.

"Hey! Wanna see the new weapon I borrowed?"

They laugh, nodding with an air of humour as Toga displays the knife. Dabi takes a sip of his drink, mulling over the new addition. Their pointed ears were almost endearing, and their face lights up a certain way when excited. Amongst the few enbies he's met, they're the cutest.

He gets wrapped into a conversation with Kurogiri for a while, talking about the steps they need to take. By the time he looks back over, Twice, Spinner, Big Sis Magne, and Mr Compress had joined Y/n and Toga in playing poker on the floor.

"BS!" Y/n yells out, Twice cursing as he has to take- oh that's a lot of cards.

"I declare bankruptcy!" Twice exclaims woefully. "I'm just getting started," he continues in a bold voice.

Dabi makes his way over, sitting on the arm of the couch to watch.

Toga gleams at him after the round, dragging at his arm. "Come play with us!"

He shakes his head, only to find himself being overpowered as Y/n helps Toga.

"Come on, you gotta!" They grin deviously.

Within a few minutes, Dabi takes over, winning and losing a couple rounds and competing with Y/n's ambitious streak.

Their eyes glint as he wins.

He sticks out his tongue cheekily, and they return the gesture, hitting him in the shoulder.

"Hey Y/n, after this, do you want to go play cards against humanity? Shigaraki just got the glitter pack," Magne asks from beside them, still looking intently at her cards.

"Sure! I gotta beat Staples first again though, I think I almost made him cry last time," they smirk, meeting eyes with Dabi.


This close, they're even more attractive than usual. Did they just ask him a question? Dabi takes a ragged breath, feeling his face grow warm. Immediately he puts his face in his elbow, faking a smoker's cough. "Sorry, what?"

"You doing alright?" Their eyes narrow. "I was being insincerely malicious, honestly."

"As usual," Dabi smiles, ignoring the sound of his own heart beating in his throat.

The game returns, Y/n glancing over at Dabi. Was he okay? He just froze up. Did they take the joke too far?

Dabi catches their gaze, and they both avert their eyes.

Spinner snickers to Toga, and Twice  laughs aloud, playing it off with a lame joke.

Dabi glares at them, catching on that they knew why he froze up.

"BS!" Y/n laughs as Twice puts down five cards. He wheezes, picking up the mountain of cards. Magne, then Y/n's turn.

"BS," Dabi grabs their wrist-- carefully, mind you.

"Yeah?" They pout.

"Yeah," he sneers, flipping the cards to see. Their face curls up wickedly.

"Grab your cards, sweetheart."

Dabi groans, happy there wasn't many cards.

A couple minutes later, Toga drags Y/n over to get a drink, and when they come back, something is off.

Y/n sits back down in their spot, but they're closer this time. He guards his cards. Are they trying to cheat?

"BS!" Twice yells at Toga. "I don't mean it!-- BS!"

A scaled hand brushes against Dabi's fingertips, and the warmth from his cheeks almost reaches his ears.

"Dammit!" Toga yells, grabbing at the cards in the middle.

Dabi glimpses down to their hands, and moves his; their scales are smooth as their fingers twine. It's all he can do to meet their eyes.


Their own eyes flit to and from him, lip pinched between teeth as they look for affirmation. He smiles, squeezing their hand.

Y/n doesn't move as he moves closer, whispering in their ear,

"You're the cutest person I've ever met, you know that?"


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