Shoji Mezō x Reader

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A little further. A little... Further... Heck it why am I so short.

I groan rather loudly, ready to cry.


In the dorm kitchen.

At four in the morning.

With a huff, I jump off the counter. So much for making cookies.

"Hello?" A voice scares me half to death.

"Holy-" I turn around, spotting Shoji Mezō, one of the guys in my class. "What are you doing up so early, Shoji?"

"I could ask the same of you."

"I wanted to bake cookies. We have a test later, and I was panicking." I twiddle my fingers together. "Still am. Baking helps me relax, though."

"I see. I was getting water, is all." He nods. "How are the cookies coming?"

"Horribly. I have the batter all mixed, but the cookie sheets are all the way on the top shelf," I point at them.

I pause.

Looking up at him, at how tall he is, I light up. "Could you grab a couple of them for me?"

"Sure," Shoji reaches up. "Here."

"Thank you!" I grin, spraying the pans. Grabbing the cookie scoop and beginning to scoop the dough onto the pans.

"That looks like fun." Shoji sips on his water.

"It is. You can help, if you'd like. I made a huge batch, and I'll probably share the cookies with the class."

He leans over, grabbing a second scoop and helping me with the cookies.

"So how are you feeling about the test later?" I ask, a bit dismayed at how little I can remember.

"I think it will be fine. You?"

"I'm nervous," I admit. "I've studied so much, but I'm just not good at taking tests."

"I understand. You could ask to go in a different room. I would help you study, too, if that would help."

"Both of those are helpful ideas. Maybe Present Mic will let me sit in the hall. I get overwhelmed by the stress of everyone around me."

"Which is why you're baking at four in the morning," Shoji observes.

"Exactly." I put the pan in the oven, setting a timer. "Now, we wait for it to bake as we set up the next pan."

"You're good at this. Do you bake a lot?"

"Mostly when I'm super stressed, or someone asks me to make them something. So, every couple weeks or more," I smile sheepishly as our voices get louder. I'm more confident, since I'm finally getting to hear him more.

"That's a lot of baking."

"People seem to enjoy it," I scoop the next cookie onto the sheet. "What about you? Do you like baking?"

"I don't seek it as a hobby, but I don't dislike it." He fixes his mask as he takes a drink of water.

"That's cool. You're always free to bake with me, if you want." My face heats up as I smile.

"I'd enjoy that."

We stare at each other for a couple sweet seconds, before a voice cuts off our moment.

Bakugō stomps in, "What the hell are you two doing making so much noise at four in the morning?!"

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