Dating Headcanons

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(I decided, since I couldn't write an actual one-shot, this seemed like a lot of fun! Headcanons of how it would be like dating some of 1A! + Cute emoticons)

🥦 Midoriya Izuku 🥦:
- His mother cries because she's so happy for him
- He's so confused.
- Does not know how to cuddle
- You'll have to teach him
- Always nervous
- You both obsess over heroes and quirks together
- His face is red all the time when he remembers you're his datefriend
- You're always there when he's stressed
- And he'll give you cheek kisses
- Kissing every one of his freckles

🔥 Todoroki Shotō ❄️:
- He does not know how to relationship.
- Not. At. All.
-He understands the basics, like you're supposed to kiss and stuff?
- But doesn't know why
- So he questions everything about it, and asks if everything is alright
- You hate his father
- He's protective of you, but knows you can take care of yourself
- Not very touchy-feely until later on in the relationship.
- When he is, he'll start sneaking a handhold or a small kiss on the cheek
- And eventually asks for close intimacies like snuggling, all while blushing lightly

💥 Bakugō Katsuki 💥:
- He's not exactly a tsundere.
- He is angry at everything, if you just listen to his voice. But it you listen to what he says and how he acts, he's actually pretty calm
- Just partially deaf due to his quirk
- You're there for him when his pride is damaged
- He likes when you compliment him, but don't go overboard.
- You're allowed to be near anyone except Deku.
- He's protective, not controlling. He knows he's the best, and that you care about him
- Will yell at you for not bringing a jacket, then fling one at you
- Angry cuddles? If you start cuddling him he gets almost aggressive about it, and won't let you leave for hours. Complains the entire time.
- He likes to cuddle though, even if he complains

👗 Yaoyorozu Momo 👗:
- She hasn't dated before, but she's amazing at it
- Probably because she seems like she knows what she wants
- Even if she's flustered and nervous
- She likes kisses on the cheek
- She likes when you play with her hair
- She teaches you a bunch of molecular stuff about her quirk that you won't remember, but you support her
- Study sessions all the time together
- She gets so excited for dates!
- May seem hard to please, but enjoys surprises more than things like Valentine's
- Though she expects things then, too, but is pleased by anything you get her

🎸 Jirō Kyōka 🎸:
- She's amazed that you like her
- She gets so flustered
- Her dad acts like he's so tough but he already approved whenever she was talking about you
- Listening to her play her instruments. You might join in, or just watch her
- She writes you a song but she's way too shy to ever let you know, much less sing it to you
- You get to touch her earphone jacks
- They curl around your finger like a little hug
- She likes to listen for your heartbeat while in class or studying
- Likes to cuddle, but not often
- Excited for dates!

🥋 Ojiro Mashirao 🥋:
- While he's never been in a steady relationship, the best snuggler.
- He even wraps his tail around you
- You're allowed to touch it and feel how soft it is
- He likes to play with your hair
- You love his costume, it's so handsome
- He gets embarrassed whenever you compliment him
- He will watch anything you want, he actually really likes romcoms and anything Hallmark
- Plenty of cute dates!
- Tea together is a must
- Cheek and forehead kisses!

🦈 Kirishima Eijiro 🦈:
- At first, you think he knows what he's doing. You go on dates and he's pretty confident
- Internally he's a wreck
- He admits this to you on like your fifth date
- It's adorable
- He's a sunshine boi
- Lots of cuddles
- He's a bit nervous when he sees you talk to potential love interests. Maybe they would sweep you off your feet, make you happier than he can
- You kiss his face and remind him how much he means to you
- Takes a while for an 'I love you', since he's not sure when will be appropriate
- Eventually he caves in and says it, all flustered and red

🧤 Hagakure Tōru 🧤:
- Playing with her hair!
- Moderate amount of cuddles
- She always giggles so adorably when you both cuddle, likes to tickle you
- She's a bit self-conscious about being invisible
- But being with you makes her feel as if she isn't at all
- She's the type to say 'I love you' all the time, it's cute
- You recognize when she gets a haircut, since it feels shorter
- She's happy you notice, no one ever notices
- She doesn't say it outright, but she really appreciates you
- She likes to sneak up on you and give you surprise kisses

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