Bakusquad x Reader: Request

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(Request from my friend Marutcha! Follow them, they're an awesome person!)

"This is a dumb idea," I sigh, going along with it anyway.

Not like I have any choice. Mina pulls me by the wrist, to the the entrance of the haunted house. The rest of the Bakusquad is already rushing to the line, Bakugō yelling at Kirishima about something.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Waiting in line only makes it worse, Bakugō complaining the entire time and the rest of them talking excitedly. I join in with the chatter, trying to relieve my anxiety. I don't do well with scary things.

We pass the fog machines, and enter the haunted house.

Bakugō walks in front, not reacting to the actors who jump out in front of us. Mina grabs onto my arm tightly, and Kaminari jumps into Sero. My heart pounds in my ears, and I'm ready to run at any moment.

A few minutes pass, of thundering noises and fog everywhere.

"Are we lost?" Kirishima asks, since we've been walking for some time. "Where are we?"

"We aren't lost, you rockbrain," Bakugō snaps. "I'm leading us!"

"Maybe we should go back," Mina says, looking around us.

Bakugō turns around, and is about to reply angrily, when he pauses. We watch as his face goes pale.

With a gulp, he reaches behind his back. Not a moment later, he's screaming and flinging his arms. "Get it off! Get it off!"

He lets off explosions, eventually flinging a large, hairy spider directly into Kaminari's face.

The group goes into chaos, screaming and running different directions. Mina squeezes my arm tightly, dragging me along as I run. Something sparks behind us, and I feel myself get electrocuted.

I fall into the wall, dazed. Kaminari walks past, his thumbs up and a dumb look on his face.

"Dammit Kaminari," I mutter, watching as the spider falls to the ground, burnt from his quirk.

Looking around, I find Kirishima comforting Bakugō, and Sero is nowhere to be found. He must have made a break for it.

I open a small, invisible portal with my teleportation quirk, enough to walk through, and pull Mina and Kaminari through. I decide Kirishima and Bakugō can handle themselves.

I close the portal, and collapse, laughing at the fact that our friend group always gets into these types of messes.

Eventually the rest join us, minus Sero, who seems to have had enough. "Let's go again!" Kaminari gives a thumbs up, still with a stupid, brain-fried look on his face.

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