SMIH! Aoyama Yūga

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"You're next!" Mina holds out the bag with a smile. I reach my hand into the bag, pulling out a piece of paper. With his name on it.

Aoyama Yūga. Seven minutes in a closet with someone I admire so much.

"You got Aoyama!" Mina squeals, grinning. I gulp. She knows about the rather large crush I have on a certain sparkling someone.

She grabs my hand, pulling us both to the closet. I try to hide my face. Mina is evil. She rigged it, I know she did.

She pushes us both into the tiny closet. "Have fun, you two!"

Aoyama giggles, "How do you feel, stuck in here with moi?"

"Shush," I say, embarrassed. "This game already makes me flustered."

"Oh? Do I make you flustered as well?" He leans closer, teasingly. He bats his eyes, visible in the dim light.

I clear my throat, nervous at how close I could feel he was. "No."

"A certain pink friend told me about your crush," he teases again.

"Mina did what?" I hiss out, crossing my arms.

"Don't be ashamed! I'm sure it's hard resisting someone who shines like I do!" Aoyama beams at me through the dark. "I'm sure you would be happy to know I reciprocate."

I feel my heart hammer against my chest. "You do?"

He hums, leaning closer. Before our lips can meet, the door opens. Light floods into the small closet.

"Time's up!" Mina calls out shrilly, happy to see us so close together.

Aoyama leads me to the couch. "Will you do me the honours of accompanying me on a date sometime this week?"

A couple people around us make aw's and coo at how cute we are. My face turns pink again.

I nod, still processing the fact that the prettiest boy in class wants to date me.

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