Todoroki Shotō x Reader

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(Soulmate AU where you can't see the colour of your soulmate's eyes until you look into their eyes. So, my soulmate would never see the colour brown until we met eyes. I'm using the Empathize quirk for this!)

I narrowly avoid running into someone, trying to avoid getting stepped on by anyone. My quirk makes large groups very uncomfortable for me, since I tend to feel others' emotions, even when I'm not trying.

I look down at the small group of my classmates, who were waiting for the next event in the sports festival. I avoid most of their eyes.

The emotions around me are overwhelming. Excitement. Fear. Pride.

The emotions I really pick up on is from the bicoloured male right beside me. Anger. Rage. Something to prove. I always feel like this around him. Cold. I usually avoid his eyes at all cost. Luckily, I haven't had to go against him in training so far.

Looking around, I know I don't have what these other heroes-in-training have. I don't have the drive to defeat any of them. I'll do it, don't get me wrong. For the internship opportunities, if nothing else. I'd rather be a rescue-type hero. It goes better with my quirk.

My quirk may give me an advantage in these battles, however.

I look at the lineup for the individual matches. I'm lined up with a girl from 1B, named Shiozaki Ibara. I spot her, standing not too far away.

(Sorry Kaminari!)

Quickly looking over at her, in her eyes, I assess her quirk. She's thinking about her strategy. She doesn't know what my quirk is, exactly. I've been nicknamed 'Nightmare Eyes," by my classmates, but that's all she really knows.

She makes the decision to not look into my eyes, and I smile a bit. I won't underestimate her. I don't know her, but she seems strong.

I avert my eyes, looking forward. She's definitely beautiful. And she seems nice.

Maybe no nightmares for now.

The first matches start. Izuku defeats Shinsō, Todoroki practically freezes half of the stands.

I can feel the anger radiating off of him, even though he's down on the ground and I'm in the stands. I can't see his eyes, but I can definitely feel his emotions.

Next is Shiozaki and I. I give her a smile, before we part ways. "Good luck."

After they had cleared the ice, I make my way onto the platform. Shiozaki stands across from me.

She still doesn't know how my quirk is used. Avoiding my eyes won't do any good.

I have an idea. People know I can give nightmares with my quirk, and make them incapacitated. I haven't given them a good example of what my quirk can really do.

Midnight yells for us to begin, and I look up at Shiozaki.

I find her eyes as she reaches her hair out to me. Activating my quirk, I force myself to feel positive emotions. I close my own eyes.

Transporting her to a meadow, I fill her senses with flowers and grass. She looks around. I can feel her confusion. I contort my emotions, making myself feel happy.

I'm not usually a happy person, so I find this difficult.

A sudden surge of excitement as a butterfly flutters past. She turns, following it, chasing it right over the white line.

Midnight calls the round.

--- ---

Several painstakingly slow rounds later, I wake up from my short nap. Emotions surge through me, making me flinch and fall out of my chair.

Agony courses through my heart, and I clutch it. I let out a strangled whimper. Visions fill my sight.

A young, bicoloured boy I recognize as Todoroki crouched down, coughing, before his father. I see the brutal training. His mother's suffering. A pot of scalding water crashing down atop my eye.

I'm left wheezing on the floor, gasping for breath as the images fade.

I can barely make it back onto my feet. My match with Iida is next.

I walk down to the field, and up onto the platform. I face Iida, trying to comprehend what I just saw. What I just felt.

Midnight begins the round, and my eyes immediately snap up to Iida's. He covers his eyes, enough for him to see.

Plan B. I look into his mind briefly, avoiding his attacks. His legs are his strongest point. My head already begins to pound from overusing my quirk.

I grab him by his arm as he misses a kick, throwing him off balance. His hand is moved away from his eyes, enough for me to activate my quirk.

I feel an intense anger building up. Indignation. A need to prove one's self. I feel his emotions, casting them down back at him, giving him an illusion. He follows his dreams, forgetting the match. He follows them right out of bounds.

--- ---

A strong pang resonates in my chest. Not just Iida's. I couldn't help but feel his emotions as he gets a phone call about his brother.

I sit in the stands, listening to the others chatter as they watch the next rounds.

Todoroki is nowhere to be seen.

I don't know if I can even face him, after what I experienced. I don't know if I can fight him next.

My next round approaches quickly. I tap my foot, trying to think. I'm not sure I can go through with this. I can't hurt him after that.

Before I know it, I'm stepping out onto the field. Red and white hair frames his face as I stare into his eyes. I activate my quirk early, speaking into his mind.

"I'm sorry. I can't go through with this. I apologise for my intrusion, it was not intentional."

As Midnight starts the round, I turn. My feet carry me out of bounds.

The crowd screams in confusion, but I don't regret my choice.

--- ---

Todoroki walks up to me, after the festival is over, and he had lost. He sits across from me at the table, handing me a water.

"What did you feel?" He prompts.

"I... I felt... And saw... What your father and mother did. What you've gone through. I'm sorry, it was not my intention to intrude."

"I understand," he closes his eyes. "I'm sorry my emotions were cast upon you."

With a sigh, I shake my head. "It's not your fault. I understand you pride yourself as someone who doesn't need help, or friends, but if you do need someone to talk to, I'm here."

"Thank you," Todoroki nods. "However, I was wondering. Why did you throw our match?"

I pause, chosing my next words carefully. "It's not because I saw you as weak. It's also not because I was afraid to lose. I threw the match because hurting someone who is conflicted would be against who I am."

Todoroki thinks for a moment. "That's a noble reason. Thank you."

I nod, grabbing the water bottle. "I need to be getting home."

He agrees, watching me leave.

I look down at the water bottle, immediately dropping it. "What the heck colour is that?!"

My body stiffens, finally remembering my match with Todoroki.

His eyes.

There are two colours I've never been able to see.

I look at him, into his eyes. Stormy gray and turquoise blue.

His beautiful eyes widen. "That colour."

"My soulmate?"

He steps forward. "I guess I am."

My face heats up. "This has been an exciting day," I mumble.

"Perhaps we should address this another time," he averts his gaze.

I nod, turning away. "See you later, soulmate."

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