Bakugō Katsuki x Reader

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"Hey," A voice whispers next to me.

I peel my eyes away from the breathtaking stars, looking at Bakugō Katsuki.

It has been three years since the two of us graduated UA together, and three years since we started going out. He, somewhat angrily, had asked me to be his datefriend.

(Datefriend is the neutral term! :) )

We've been living together since we had graduated, both of us working as pro heroes.

"Yes Katsuki?" I smile at him.

"Will you be with me? Forever," still as grumpy as ever, he asks.

"Of course. I'll always be here for you."

--- ---

I dry my hair with the warm towel. A bit surprisingly, Katsuki had put it in the dryer and brought it to me before I got out.

Wrapping it around myself, I leave the bathroom to put on my clothes.

Never once looking up at the mirror, and definitely not at the very top.

--- ---

The door slams shut as Katsuki enters the house.

"Damn it. Are you blind or stupid? Both? Or are you just not interested? Tell me!" He yells, almost desperately.

"Katsuki? What's wrong?"

"I've asked you twice to- and- and the first time you obviously didn't get it, and the second time nothing happened- do I need to spell it out for you?" His voice fumes, and he won't look me in the eyes.

"I... I don't understand. What did you ask me?"

He looks up, red eyes finally meeting my own. He pulls a small box out of his pocket and tosses it on the table.

I feel my mouth fall open. This was definitely not what I was thinking.

I pick up the box, still staring at it as if it may vanish.

Opening the box, I release the breath I had been holding. "Katsuki," I whisper, in awe at the little ring inside.

"The other night I asked you if you would be with me forever. Then yesterday I wrote it in the condensation on the mirror while you showered," Katsuki admits, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess you were too short for that."

I close the box and stand up, throwing my arms around him. "Sorry I'm dense, Katsu."

"Just answer this time," he grumbles.

"Yes, I would love to be with you forever." I look up at him, grinning.

He takes the box and grasps my hand. Gently, he slips the ring onto my finger.

"I love you, Katsuki."

He kisses the top of my head. "Good, I was getting worried."

--- ---

Deleted Scenes:

"They're so dense! I literally asked if they'd be with me forever and they just said "I'll always be there for you", like /that's not what I meant!/" Bakugō rants to Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Why don't you just ask them straight out?" Kiri suggests.

"That's too forward for him, remember?" Denki shakes his head. "Write it in the bathroom mirror. When they get out of the shower they'll see it."

"That's a good plan!" Mina interjects.

"You think so?" Bakugō ponders.


Bakugō watches as his datefriend leaves the room to make tea. Frustration overwhelms him. They hadn't seen it!

Bakugō: That didn't work.

Kirishima: you could always just tell them

Bakugō: what if they don't want to? that's why they're ignoring it

Kirishima: they aren't like that
Kirishima: just talk to them about it


Bakugō growls, deciding that maybe the point would come across better with a ring.

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