Shigaraki Tomura x Reader

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(Red Strings of Fate! Not really an AU, you'll see 😁)

I walk into the coffeeshop, briefly eyeing the homeless man outside. I feel a twinge in my stomach. I take a deep breath, relaxing in the soothing atmosphere of the café. Approaching the barista, I order a cup of to-go tea and a cold bottle of water.

I leave the coffeeshop, walking over to the homeless man. He looks up from where he sits on the sidewalk. His eyes are cautious as I kneel in front of him.

"Hello, I was walking by and you looked thirsty. Please accept this water," I hold out the bottle. "It isn't much, but you can refill it." I keep a polite smile on my face.

The look in his eyes is blurred as he tears up a little. "Thank you, thank you. You truly are a hero."

I laugh it off. "No, I'm just a student."

"You are a hero to me. Please, allow me to repay you. It isn't near what you did to me, but I hope it is enough."

"Oh no, sir, I couldn't. Please, the water is only a small gift from me."

He holds out his hand. "I could help you find your soulmate. Have you heard of the strings of fate? Strings that attach you to your soulmate, or someone who will change your life?"

Taken aback, you nod. "Yes?"

"Well," he takes a sip of the water. "I have the ability to see them, and make other people see them. If you want, I could show you yours. You could find your soulmate."

I pause. The red strings of fate? I suppose it wouldn't be too bad to find out. I'm eighteen and on my own, so why not start trying to find true love, if it exists?

"That would be interesting," I nod.

"The string will guide you to your soulmate. Once you get close enough, kiss them, and the string will dissipate."

My face turns pink. "Kiss them?"

He nods, holding out his pinky finger.

I link mine with him. Immediately, a red string appears, tangled around my pinky.

"Go find them!" He prompts, holding the water bottle close to him.

I follow the little red thread. There's never any slack to it.

It leads me down the street, a couple blocks, then disappears into a small supermarket store.

Am I really that close to my soulmate?

I enter the store, following the thread into an isle. Immediately I deadpan.

Turning on my heel, I try to make my escape, but the string doesn't get any longer. It keeps me there.

When I think this can't get any worse, he looks up at the tugging feeling.

My eyes meet his.

Shigaraki Tomura. A known villain, and a villain that had launched attacks against UA.

"Nope." I try to leave again, only to still be stuck. I tug on the string, trying to get it off my pinky finger. Not a chance.

"What is this?" He lets out a deranged laugh. "The red string of fate?"

I shake my head. "Nope. Get it off. Not dealing with this today."

Shigaraki reaches a hand out to the string, grabbing it, then lets go. "It's no use." He shrugs. "How are you supposed to get it off?"

"No." I remember the words the man had told me. No way I'm kissing this creep.

He tugs on the string, pulling me closer with another laugh. "This just won't do. I'm going to have to take measures to get rid of this."

Shigaraki reaches out his hand, almost to my face. I flinch, "Fine, I know how to get rid of it!"

Feeling a bit bold, I grab his wrist and move his hand away, lifting the hand over his face, then firmly press my lips on his. His eyes widen, but before he can respond, I pull away.

I look at my pinky, elated to see the string gone.

He stares, dumbfounded, as I rush out of the store.

"Soulmate, huh?" He touches his lip.

BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now