Todoroki x Reader x Bakugō

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(Requested by RulerOfAnime)

I finish the sentence, setting my pencil down. Finally my essay is done! A small note plops onto my desk.

My head tilts as I take it, eyeing Kaminari Denki sitting beside me, who had passed me the note.

He winks.

I roll my eyes, grinning as I read the paper. It was a stupid drawing of us fighting crime together. He grins back. Obviously his essay was not on his priority list.

The bell rings and I almost immediately feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh, hey Sh- Todoroki!" I gleam at him, almost using his first name. I guess it's a habit of mine now.

"Can we talk?" His eyes glance to Kaminari. I nod, following him out the door. Katsuki was already in the hallway.

"What did dunceface want?" Red eyes pierce me.

"He drew me a picture," I hold out the drawing, both of my boyfriends looking at it skeptically. "We should get back in the room soon, the next class will be starting."

Bakugō huffs, looking away. "Stupid dunceface and his flirting. Don't you fall for it!"

"I don't think he was flirting-"

"He was definitely flirting. And yesterday at lunch, too. And before class the day before. I'm getting tired of it. I know we said we should keep our relationship out of the spotlight but I will spill it if he doesn't back off."

Shotō chimes in. "Remember, Katsuki, they're really bad with hints. It took them five days after you confessed to them before they realized you liked them and had asked them out-,"

"Shotō, you don't have to remind him," my face heats up. It's always so embarrassing when they bring up my denseness when it comes to flirting.


Katsuki snickers. "And then you confessed your feelings right before I started holding their hand, and they were so confused."

"Hey, that's not nice," I pout, crossing my arms.

"It's hilarious," Katsuki mocks me playfully. "It's how we all got together."

"Class is starting," Shotō notes aloud.

"Oh heck-" the three of us scramble inside. Kaminari gives me a questioning look and I just shrug it off. Is he really flirting?

Math class goes on, the instructor explaining parabolas. I want to go to sleep, but I'm already confused so maybe that's not a good idea.

Finally, finally, the bell rings for our study period.

A desk scoots over to mine. "Hey, could you help me with the last problem we did? I got... Three?"

"Kaminari, the problem should have two answers. And neither of them are three." I peek at his work. "Oh, you forgot the negative sign," I point out, leaning closer subconsciously. His hand brushes against mine.

Someone clears their throat. "Get away from them."

I freeze, watching the soul leave Kaminari. "Ah... Bakugō?" He turns around slowly.

"I said," Bakugō's voice gets lower, "get away from our date friend."

Todoroki nods from behind Bakugō. By this point, everyone is watching this exchange. I shrink in my seat.

"Date friend?" Kaminari pales further.

"Yes, please move away from them." Shotō says evenly.

"Wait!" Mina calls out, getting everyone's attention. "Both of you are dating Y/n?!"

Bakugō glares daggers at her as Shotō and I nod. "Actually we're all dating one another equally."

Immediately the class riots, asking questions and squealing and congratulating.

Surprisingly, no one has anything rude to say, and I can't help a small smile growing on my face. I thread my fingers with one of both of theirs, feeling Katsuki squeeze mine as he avoids the questions. The three of us eventually escape their prying, seeing as to how none of us were very big talkers. I sit between the two of them.

Katsuki wraps an arm around my shoulders, one of Shotō's snaking around my waist.

"That was less painful than I thought," I comment, a laugh escaping my lips.

"I guess," Katsuki mutters. "I'm glad it's over. Now no one can flirt with either of you."

"Either of us?" Todoroki asks, looking towards our blond boyfriend.

"Yeah, one of those extras has been flirting with you since day one."


Bakugō blinks. "You're just as bad as Y/n."

"Hey!" We all laugh together, the insecurities of our relationship being found out long since melted away.

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