Amajiki Tamaki x Reader

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I drag a reluctant Tamaki into the pet store, looking around happily. This is my idea of a perfect date, one we've replicated several times.

It's just so much fun, to come look at all the animals, and it's a lot cheaper than a zoo. And there's the possibility of buying a pet, if Tamaki would agree to it. He's averse to having children, which I'm fine with, but we haven't discussed whether we want a pet any time soon.

Pulling him to the bunnies, I pet one. It's fur is soft. I wiggle happily. Tamaki pets another one hesitantly.

We move on to the hamsters, and I giggle at a small yellow one. "This one reminds me of Mirio."

Tamaki lets out a small laugh, agreeing with me. He points over to the bird cage, at a small, sky-blue finch that was chirping happily. "This is Nejire."

I hold his hand, laughing enthusiastically. "That's so her!"

He stops breathing for a moment, staring at my face. His own turns bright red, and he looks away.

Smiling softly, I blush, and direct us over to the reptiles. He has moments where he gets overwhelmed by me, usually when I do something he deems cute.

I point out a beautiful white snake, watching as it lifts it's head. "Hello beautiful!" I make kissing noises at the snake.

(I love snakes, they're so cute!)

Tamaki hides his face on my shoulder. For a moment, I wonder what he's thinking, then laugh.

I coo, running my hands through his hair. "You're beautiful, too, sweetheart."

Even his ears turn red as he squeaks. I kiss his forehead, moving to look at the fish.

I look in awe at the pretty colours. Tropical fish filled the aquariums, bright and vibrant.

Hearing a small gasp, I turn to see Tamaki, who had found a baby squid. "Look, it's cute."

My arm wraps around his waist and I hum in agreement. "It's adorable!"

We look at the cats and dogs next, then go back to the front of the store.

"One of these times, we'll have to adopt something," Tamaki mumbles, looking up at me.

I grin. "Definitely."

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