Sato Rikido x Reader

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(Hope you like chicken noodle soup!)

Coughing, I turn my head to the side. I feel miserable. Another cough escapes my lips as I groan. I can barely move.

I don't get sick often. I just don't. But right now, I feel like my head is going to explode. Like maybe Bakugō is inside my head right now.

I groan again, shifting on my bed. It's been two days since I'd came down with this flu. It had been going around school, but like a chump I thought I wouldn't get it.

Footsteps stop outside my door as someone knocks. I weakly tell them to come in.

My boyfriend, Satō Rikido, walks in. He gives me a sympathetic smile, watching me cough.

"I bought stuff for soup, so I could make you some. Chicken noodle, so it should help with your flu bug." He sits down at the foot of the bed. "It'll be about dinner time when it's done, but you could come to my room for a bit. It'll be a nice change, I know you've been stuck here."

Looking at him, I smile hesitantly. "Are you sure? I don't want to get you sick."

"I'm sure, it's no problem. Let's get you up first, though. Also, Iida was wondering if you want him to change your sheets. He says it's his job as class rep to help you out, or something?"

I sit up, and he helps me get dressed into different clothes. Some people may think it's a little weird, him helping me change. Honestly, we've never done much intimate stuff, but the two of us have talked, and he isn't really interested in it. It's fine with me, either way.

Rikido lets me lean on him as I limp to his room. He sits me down on a chair, so I can watch him cook.

He's a really great cook, and even better at baking. His cakes are like heaven. His quirk really prompted his love for food, and he loves cooking for me.

I watch as he pulls the ingredients for my soup out of the bag. He starts the pot of water to boil, cutting up meat and vegetables.

To my surprise, he's already made noodles from scratch, as they're hanging on racks to harden.

"Riki-chan," I softly call him by the nickname I gave him. "You even made noodles?"

He smiles at me warmly. "Of course. Nothing but the best for my sweet."

Laughing, I feel myself blush. "You're the sweet one here. Thank you for taking care of me."

"You'd do the same." He turns back to the soup. "Besides, I'm helping you the only way I know how."

I watch for about an hour as he continues cooking, the smell of chicken noodle soup starting to fill the air.

Rikido adds a bit of cayenne, he says the heat will help with my flu.

"And then it'll cook for about two more hours. I have to check on it every so often, but other than that there's not much else to it." He gives me another heartwarming smile, rubbing the back of his head.

"You're so good at this, Riki-chan. It smells wonderful." I lean back on the chair tiredly. Even just sitting here watching had made me tired.

"You should get a warm shower, it'll make you feel better," he suggests. I nod. After sighing, I force myself to stand up.

Rikido takes me to the bathroom after we stop by my room, and hands me my clothes.

"I'm going to go stir the soup, then I'll be back by the time you're done with the shower." He kisses the top of my head delicately.

"Thank you."

I take my shower, letting myself be refreshed by the warm water. By the time I'm done, I feel better. Still pretty terrible, but better.

I open the door, meeting Rikido outside my room. "Any better?" He hands me a glass of water.

Nodding, I take a sip. "A little, definitely more relaxed."

"That's good. The soup is almost done."

We go back to his room, sitting together on the bed. Despite my protests, he sits beside me.

After a while of snuggling, he feeds me some soup. He insists that it's easier to feed it to me than let me eat it myself. I think he just finds it amusing when I'm flustered.

I finish a bowl of soup, and he lets me lay down. I take a short nap, barely dosing off, before he wakes me up again.

"I know you like sweets, which wouldn't be good for your flu, so I got you some fruit, and some tea. They'll help you fight this stuff off." He holds out a bowl of fruit, grinning. "Then I'll let you sleep some more."

Rikido sits me up, feeding me blueberries and raspberries and some other fruits. "They're high in antioxidants, they'll be good for your immune system."

I just laugh, drinking the green tea he made. He makes faces at me, getting me to laugh a couple more times. After I finish the fruit and tea, he pulls a blanket over me.

"I'm going to give some soup to a couple other sick classmates, you go ahead and rest."

I want to protest, but... I'm so tired. My eyelids are heavy, and they close. "Okay," I sigh in defeat, "thank you, Riki-chan."

He pats my head, getting up. I fall asleep easily.

"Good night, sweet."

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